Hey I’m thinking of starting to do imagines but I’m not sure comment down below for your opinion and who I should do first I was thinking corbyn first but I’m open for options. 🖤🖤🖤


Hey I’m thinking of starting to do imagines but I’m not sure comment down below for your opinion and who I should do first I was thinking corbyn first but I’m open for options. 🖤🖤🖤

29 1
omg yes girl j was just about to start a new Zach One!!
I just posed my Zach imagine give it a read🖤
you think I should do a series? like should I make it about maybe “seeing” all the boys but end up with one?
cuz I kinda like the sounds of that, I just have no idea who’s I’d pick. maybe leave it up to readers?
Dani 💘
Daniel and his skittles
omg u should totally do imagines!!!
do one on Daniel and then Corbyn, they’re all amazing though
I want skiddels
Same. Have you heard Billie's new song bury a friend
⚠️ALERT⚠️ thanks for the follow , my old account was April-moon, but I’m restarting my pc account, so I need an icon , pls check out my page
love could u please go like my 2 latest remixes?❤️