I swear I’m working on an opinion post I have an idea I just need to put it into writing pls stick with me


I swear I’m working on an opinion post I have an idea I just need to put it into writing pls stick with me

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I though 90 and above was an A hMm 🤨 I stopped making 11:11 wishes, after like 3rd grade 😂
whenever i think i bombed a test i always get like a 95+ and when i’m like I DID SO GOOD i always get a low grade
for me an A is 87+
for me an a is 95+ and I am an A Honor Roll Student
oml i’m actually dying because me and my friends (friends? what friends) still make 11:11 wishes..idk fam it sounds stupid but it gives you a sense of hope i guess which is pretty neat...also there’s one group chat i’m in that no one uses for actual conversation anymore and it’s just a whole bunch of wish notifications at 11:11
an 82 is an A for you?? man i’d kill for that grading scale..over here in aMeRiCa an A is 93+
I go to a private academic elite catholic school
i think most schools have + - grades.. mine does 😂
lucky!! an a from me is a 90+
ummm a 60-
(and below)
^^ @theotherside- my school used to have a 93 and above an A but they changed it to anything 90 and above is an A, 80 to 89 is a B, 70 to 79 is a C, and so on 😂
Oh, As for me are 90 and up, and A pluses are 96 and up
Where I am an A is 90+ B is 80+ and so on I would love to have your grading system😻
yeah, and 83 is like a B
OMG!!!! 90+ is an A for me
I totally make 11:11 wishes😁
wait people stopped doing that?
for me 92 is the A