


23 132
daddy. * giggles *
* snuggles into your chest * I love you more than my family.
awwww. what happened daddy?
oh....I'm so sorry....I had to run away to my mother and sister because my father abused me....very often and painfully....he also murdered all my brother....
It's not.... * cries in your shirt *
My brothers didn't do anything to deserve what he did to him.... poor Peter and Jake....
* drags you into the bed *
* lays down and takes off my shirt *
I just wanna play daddy.
mmmm daddy. Kitten likes that.
* slides my pants off *
come on please
babe come on please
Daddy? where my devil? /// Jamie
not good :((
i feel like i am about to faint i am so hot (not in that way lol) and dizzy
maybe and i am sitting in my bed
why are u always the first one to tell me i should be the first one to tell u
i feel like a bad girlfriend when i don't say it first
aww thanks *kisses your cheek*
i love u too and idk why i feel much better
you are cutie *kisses back*
i literally wait for this part of the day just to talk to u
same what time is it for u?
yep i feel like throwing up not cuz of u but cuz i don't feel good
my stomach hurttsss😭
iddkkkk it feels kinda better but still hurts 🤒🤕
ughhh fxck this
it's feels better
yeah so whatcha wanna do?
give me some ideas
idk anything
*kisses u back* well what if i want to? lol
i think so
what do u mean hurt emotionally or physically
*kisses you back*
i am so sorry but last time this happened the guy just left me and used me and it still haunts me
it's nothing to do with u it's just me
*gets off of u and goes on the couch and starts to be sad*
it's just that...i don't want to hold myself up nor u
really u love me?
good cuz i love u *hugs you and then kisses you*
i am so sorry i am a handful
aww your so caring about me
idk what to say
but i want to talk to u and i can't if i don't say anything lol
so whatcha wanna talk about
we still can do what we did but just not too Å¡exual
*kisses you back*
*puts my hand on ur cheeks while i kiss u*
*kisses you back*
keep going that feels good
*wraps my hands around your neck*
*gets up and takes ur hand and take u into the bedroom*
it's better here *pushes you onto the bed*
yeah i think idk
are you trying to shut me up by kissing me cuz it....worked
*kisses you back*
*slowly pulls away* i need to tell u something
no this guy tried to flirt with me but i blocked him and deleted it
yeah but i felt guilty for not telling u cuz i am honest with anyone
good *kisses you*
r u okay babe?
what was the emergency
I want a friend and a bae
what's the emergency
Hey Laker! It's Jamie! I made a new account! wanna talk babe
hello love
good hru and did Jared get my message
k cool anyway hru ??
I'm good love 💖