Collage by peachydays-


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Lexi what the fxck
dude what why
did she say anything
she left her own party after fxcking some dude. I wanna make sure he didn't hurt her
can you tell her to talk to me like adults please
what's wrong. I want you here
wanna get dinner*sticks my tongue out
seriously lex I want to get dinner
I'll fxck you like a little slxt in the restaurant bathroom
I'll let you feel my beard
please lex
get her back now
tell her I'm demanding her back or else
Lexi I wanted to fxck you but you rejected me
don't you care about me
I wanted to fxck you but you were with Chris
lex please stay there's no point in me being here without you
I think she's hot is that illegal
kisses you* stay and I'll fxck you ten times harder
seriously wow
you fxcked a supermarket manager this morning
you fxcked Chris. you might have feelings for me but you don't love me and thats ok
we haven't spoken in so long
rolls my eyes*
you don't fxck me. no matter how many times I ask
it's been too long. I feel like I barely know you
really trixie
hugs you smoking my blunt
where the fxck can I talk to Chloe Jesus Christ
why can't I hug you *smokws
I'm a bxtch? he's not on
he didn't even say anything that bad. he called you annoying