Collage by -earthr3al-


17 0
hey! I was looking through your account and fell in love with it! would you like to collab?
oh hi yeah sure at the moment I’m busy maybe tomorrow if that’s fine with you I’ve never collaborated before but sure let’s do it
sure. what’s the time fore you now?
well I’m in Australia Tasmania it’s 7:10 pm
where are you
I’ll talk after I’ve got to have dinner we can organise it after ok wait if you give your email quickly we can organise it then I can delete that comment cause you probably don’t want to much people knowing your email
omg, you’re Aussie too! I’ll make an anonymous email.
hi I messaged you but it didn’t work
it said not delivered and go to have a shower and yes I’m an Aussie
okay bye. text tomorrow at 9 am?
you might’ve misspelled it
I’m back if you want to talk or oh bye
yeah I mite be sleeping I sleep in but yeah 9 I’ll try to make it
okay same
I can comment if I wanna
I might have been your first follower, but that doesn’t mean you steal my work, then report me and put me as the bad person in this situation
I deleted the post
fine I won’t ever again I learnt my lesson ok you delete the post that you made of me sharing you work cause I won’t do it again deal
hi wanna work on it?
Collab now ok sure my email is wait do you want my emai, so we can chat about it
it is a edit
it is a remix
yep your email would be great.
can we work on this please?
this or a remix or you want to collab I don know how to collab
not to be rude but delete this