you only really do need those three people to get you far
so I have been tagged by @lacrosse4ever with the compliment challenge. I will check tomorrow to see what y'all put in the comments. I tag, all who believe in equal rights


<tap> you only really do need those three people to get you far so I have been tagged by @lacrosse4ever with the compliment challenge. I will check tomorrow to see what y'all put in the comments. I tag, all who believe in equal rights

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screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet you're my sister so that's cool your collages are cool too
great! tbh I’m not entirely sure on how The whole collab thing works though
Is it just one of us to use is a quote and picture and the other one does the collage? 💗
how about this - she wasn’t looking for a night, she was looking for a sword