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Back. Princess, what's wrong?
My back started hurting again 😭
Aw :c
I wish the fxcking pain will just go away 😭
I know Princess. Tell your teacher about it or something.
I'm gonna try to ignore it but if I can't I'll tell my teacher 😭
Okay, Princess :c *Hugs*
* Hugs and cries *
Aww. Think of things like bvb and your favourite music.
* Kisses you slowly * I'll think of you
Aw, Princess :)
hey, there's a high school party and my friends are going to be there. do u wanna go with me
*Laughs* Sure.
* Smiles * Lets get ready first
* I go in the bathroom, fix my hair and I put some black lipstick on my lips *
* I go in the bedroom and I put all black clothes on *
*Wears same clothes from other party*
* I smile at you *
*Hugs tightly*
* Hugs back tightly *
When does it start? ^_^
In 30min
Okay *Smiles*
* Smiles *
Ilysfm you have no idea. Seriously.
Ilysfm2 * Kisses you *
^_^ 💗
Come let's go to the party now, it's a three story house
*Smiles* K
* Smiles *
You driving?
Yea, I'm driving
*Smiles. Picks bag up and walks to the car*
* Smiles and walks with you *
*Gets in the car*
*Gets in with you *
*Smiles* How far is it?
Not that far
* Smiles *
* Holds your hand *
* Smiles and we arrive at the party *
*Gets out the car*
* Gets out with you *
*Smiles and walks to the door with you*
* Holds your hand *
*Goes in the house* Do you know where your friends are?
they're sitting on the couch
* Kisses you *
*Smiles* Are we going then?
* Holds your hand * Lets stay and drink some beer and smoke some weed *
*Smiles* Okay.
* Smiles *
*Grabs a beer*
* Grabs one too *
*Opens* Ly
* Opens too * Ly2
* Drinks too *
* Smiles *
* Finishes too *
*Puts can on floor*
* I throw mine away in the trash can *
* Kisses you slowly *
*Smiles and holds you*
* Holds your hand and kisses you slowly *
* Smiles *
What now?
Come with me up stairs * holds your hand and smiles *
* Smiles *
*Walks up*
* Walk with you *
*On first floor*
* Smiles *
Choose a room, Princess.
* I open the first door I see and we walk inside and I close the door *
* Smiles *
* I lay down on the bed *
*Gets on bed*
* Smiles *
*Removes jacket and kisses*
* kisses you *
*Smiles* (not in the mood anymore xp I'll rp anyways though)