Collage by Latwum24


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so sorry it sent five times
haha, it’s okay. So you are in a fight with your best friend, and you don’t know what to do because you don’t want to lose him as a friend. The best thing to do is to talk to him. Not over text, or a call, or any type of social media. Talk to him face to face. Tell him your sorry for what you did too add to the fight, and tell him how much he means to you. Make sure he understands that you don’t want to lose him as a friend. Then, let him talk to you. He needs to tell you how the fight makes him feel and what thoughts he has. In the end, you guys would either make up and become friends again (the ideal outcome) or maybe you guys won’t completely make up and not become best friends again. If this is the case, you tried your best, and who knows? Maybe in one month, or one year y’all will become friends again. Until then, communication is key in a friendship, so I would express ur feelings to him. Anyway, I hope that this helps and everything works out!!😊
thank u... but the only problem is with Corona virus we can’t talk face to face
for a while