Recovery is possible


Recovery is possible

82 11
I hope ur getting better 😔 it is a hard journey but I know you'll get there xx
follow my
are those real pic of you
I hope u are okay I wish I could hug you
*internet hugs*
thanks xxx
wow that must of heart I'm sorry I can't say much after that,that was amazing
I like that you put yourself out there and tell what really happened and not be scared i love that it's not gross you got up you didn't just lay there Internet hug
thanks xxxx *hugs*
yeah, and I'm fine
Stay strong *hugs*
why did you do that to yourself pretty girls don't have ugly scars
maybe I'm not pretty then
that's so sad
I'm glad you don't harm your self any more
Stay Strong
thank you x
that looks like it hurts so much I wish I would hug you but that would be weird b cuz I don't know you ;p
it's ok
omg so my friend just recently started doing that to herself and I want to help it's just she keeps saying it's fine and I want to help her but idk how to