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oh lol I think I can remember now
new post
which ones?
hello fireflies I’ve got to 50 followers can you get me up to 100? can you please join the contest I promised💞(sorry for the copy and paste feel free to delete)~Dancing_Fireflies
lol i got them as a joke
shoot Srry yes we can do a collab! just tell me when u want to do it! I’ve been a little busy so srry for not reaching out sooner...
Hi there! Please enter your collage for mine and Nora's aesthetics contest please, it's due TODAY thank you:)
contest winners are out!! come see if you made the leader board!!💞💞
new post!🌸
💫 Hey guys! Firstly, HAPPY EASTER! 🐣 secondly, I’m so so sorry, I know I said I’d try posting once a week, but I’ve just been so busy- pls forgive me. I WILL be posting once a week from now on. See u soon x💫