•24•07•23• (tap)
Hey there!! How are you all? Only four days left until the summer holidays, I’m so excited!🫶🏻Qotd: Have you seen the new Barbie movie yet? Aotd: Yes!! It was funny and I love how they designed the Barbie world bc it was exactly how I had


•24•07•23• (tap) Hey there!! How are you all? Only four days left until the summer holidays, I’m so excited!🫶🏻Qotd: Have you seen the new Barbie movie yet? Aotd: Yes!! It was funny and I love how they designed the Barbie world bc it was exactly how I had

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•24•07•23• (tap) Hey there!! How are you all? Only four days left until the summer holidays, I’m so excited!🫶🏻Qotd: Have you seen the new Barbie movie yet? Aotd: Yes!! It was funny and I love how they designed the Barbie world bc it was exactly how I had imagined it. They talked about other important themes as well like feminism but I thought there were to many things about which they wanted to talk about and so the REAL message weren’t really clear…but it was good though!💐✨
ten things i h8te about you is literally so good
and this collage is literally beautiful 😻
that sounds lovely
this is so good! aotd: no i haven’t, i think i might go this weekend.
twinsies with our movie taste 👯‍♀️
this is stunning!
this is very beautiful I love it. also I haven’t watched the new Barbie movie yet. my brother was telling me yesterday if I wanted to watch it because he does too.
it’s winter where I live 🥲👍
YES I saw the barbie movie on Friday the second half was DEFINATELY better 🐎
J’adore t’es collages 🤩☺️❤️💕
ooh ok, i’ll keep that in mind!
ooh I hope you have a good final week!!
hii tysm for asking!! i’m okay, hbu?🫶
that’s nice! i don’t really have anything planned unfortunately but I hope you enjoy ur summer!! ❤️ ☀️
aotd: no, I don’t think i’ll be allowed to:( but my friends will probably tell me everything haha
you’re welcome ☺️
awhhh thank you!! 🫠☺️💕
This is gorgeous 😍
TYSMMM <33 also THATS GREAT- happy summer!!
I’m good! hru?
omg that’s a perfect fix 🤌🏼
well it’s 8 am for me right now so i haven’t gone through my day that much but i have some exciting plans for the day!!
I’m doing good! we’re leaving our cabin today and going back to my cousins house for 2 days and then I go back home :/
hbu? what have you been doing??
i’m going to one of my best friends house for a pool party!! What did you do today?? ans haha we have a big time change because it’s only 1:30 for me right now!!
hiii I’m ok hru?
heyyy i’m doing good, just been busy with work
i wanna post but can never find the time
not really😂
that’s sounds so fun!! and yess that explains the time change, i live in the us!! my turn now, today i’m going to the state fair and a state park!!
what part of europe do you live in?? one of my bestfriends is in poland right now!!
that sounds so fun!! I would love to see a spread of urs sometime ❤️
I went grocery shopping and went out for lunch, hbu?
My bday was june 24 :)
mine was good! eating some nice food!! wbu?
yeah I have abt a week left of summer haha
ooh where are you going👀👀
I'm good too, I still miss my ex a bit but I'm better now:)
thank you:)
omggg that’s so coool!!! i can only speak english ans i live in indiana loll nothing cool about me! 😅
thanks so much! I love your account too
love this!!
yes I have! it’s so good:)
What Abt you?
that sounds like a blast! I hope you have an amazing time 😊
sorry for the late reply, but im good! i had band camp today which isn't the best but we got to end early so yay
this is soo pretty btw aotd: not yet!!
thank you so much chloe!! we had cornbread and butter beans last night 😍
oooh a road trip!! I LOVE road trips. I just stare out the window and turn my music up so high so I can’t hear my siblings hahaha
that does s8ck!! do you speak any other languages other than french??
this is so so gorgeous !!
aotd: yesss!! i caught an early screening before it came out and i loved it and cried so much hahaha
sorry just saw your comment-i play tennis too!!
oh thank you!!
also ur hand lettering is so pretty! I love how put together it looks ❤️
yes I did!! no matter how much effort I put into the spreads I never stuck with it so these days I rarely use my planner and stick to digital planning lol
i do a little calligraphy in my spare time but my first few tries were a train wreck haha, ur so talented already!
also why am I not following u? lemme fix that
that’s soo cool!! i wish i could speak more then one language lol!! when do you go back to school? i go back august 9th!!
^wait which language do you speak?? that’s so cool Chloé
omgggg i wish i went back in september and not august lol!!! and my fav thing was i went to the beaches in michigan for the fourth of july!! i got to see a bunch of fireworks and i got loooots of souvenirs :))
ikkkk i loooove fireworks too :))
Hi! thank you:) I’d love to be friends!
band camp is definitely fun but where i live the heat is our worst enemy
idk why but visiting grandparents is soo exciting, low key trying to visit my grandparents
i REALLY hope i can go see the movie i've heard so much!
my summer by the way ends this upcoming week and it started at the end of may!!
thank you <3
yess very long!! but our breaks for christmas and thanksgiving aren’t that long!! :) i’m hanging out with my friend today, swimming!! :) what did you do today?
i’ve been working a lot that’s why i’m not on that much anymore and i’m going to college soon so i’ve been preparing for asking
journalism sounds cool how do you like it
im gooodd how are you
lol yeah i have like 3 days off for thanksgiving 😭 where did you go shopping at??
Thank you ❤
I LOVE the BARBIE movie! I’ve seen it so many times :D
this is so good :)
yesss i know zara and h&m!! i don’t know the other one lol!!!
tyyyy! Your collages are always so stunning, I can't wait for the next one! aotd: no, I don't really plan to, but with the hype surrounding it I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit tempted
i’ve been playing for 8 years!! how long have u been playing
yess!! i usually go to, ross, old navy, nike, burlington co factory, and lots of small boutiques!!
hiii <3 I’m new and this is so cute ur very talented
that’s so impressive Chloé! I can only speak English completely fluently but I’m able to speak Mandarin and Japanese! I’m also taking French but it’s only been two years lol so it’s SUPER beginner haha
yes I would like to be friends 🫶🏻
thanks I try lol 😁
I’m Saxon 😋 thanks girl
lolll yes nike is very common all over the world i think 😂
and yesss i love all of the jewelry you can find at boutiques 💗💗
oh no, I’m not from Japan my mom is haha. I’m not great at speaking it but I can understand it pretty decently and can read the easier characters:)
how did you learn German, English, French, Italian?
I would love to be a multilingualist like you!!
I’m pretty good! at the moment… hru?? 🫶
omg 😱
I’m so sorry 😞 I just remembered I still haven’t finished our collab!!!! sorry!! x 😭😭✨💛😢🌻
I’m good!! my open house is tmr 👀
how are you?!
hru todayyyy :))
thank you! you're so sweet💜
ah that's fun! what do we have in common?
thank you🩷
thank you⭐️⭐️
yeah I just can’t stand the Texas weather
oooh I love this beachy peach aesthetic!! ❤️
the orange and blue color combination goes so well!! 💕