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but what panga is there something wrong *turns head to the side*
Pagan: I....I....
? what panga whatever it is I won't make fun of you
Pagan: I'm so..confused with everything!!! *covers face* I love both you and Raven..and...I don't know anymore
Yeah what's up?
it's ok panga who ever you chose I'll still be there for you no matter what
Pagan: B-but one of you will feel bad either way!!
I won't I'm not like that you chose the one you like and I'll be fine either way
Pagan: I love the both of you...
it's up to you and that's all that matters if not going to force you to pick me it's all up to you
Pagan: *covers face* I..I...
*comes over and hugs lightly and uncovers your hands* it's ok I'm here for you either way and that's all that matters and what ever makes you happy then I'm happy ok?
Pagan: *hugs you tightly* Brent....
Pagan: I have cancer, remember..?
idc I'll still be there for you
Galaxy:*starts crying*this is so sad
Pagan: *looks down*...
hey and what's up panga are you ok
Galaxy:What about you guys come over to my house and warm up by the fire?
ok sure
Pagan: *shakes head*...
do you want to come to my house panga
Pagan: N-no...
are you ok *comes over and sits next to you*
Pagan: *looks down* Heart disease, cancer, and a bullet to the head. I'm just messed up, aren't I?
Galaxy:I brought hot co co
no your not that just makes you more special and thanks *grubs the co co*
Pagan: I...don't..know what to do anymore...
o hey srry I was gone I had to get my Lehigh checked
Galaxy:um...one sec*runs to my house and brings a bag*early Christmas presents*smiles*
it's fine anhi and your a awsome girl with a great personality
u to
Pagan: I kinda wish..the bullet didn't miss
don't say that
Galaxy:OMG never say that
yeah u don't no how many ppl care about u I'm this world
Pagan: I....I...*grips hair tightly*
Daemon: *takes Pagan's hands out of her hair* You ripped your stitches, Pag...
panga if it did I would be there with you on the other side
me to and Brent r we still gonna be friends or nah
and hi
is ness sleeping π in?
Kyle not the time really
yeah dude βοΈοΈ
yeah and yes we're still friends
ok πππ
Pagan: I..don't care Dae..*sniffles and looks down* No you wouldn't, Brent. You would be with Gabby
gabby I already taken by a guy who likes me and um sure Brent likes some one else
I'm not with her she's with Cody and yes I would be there with you your the best thing that has ever happened to me and if you left me I don't know what I would do
I'll find someone like yooooooooouuuu
nvm what Kyle π
that was rude Kyle
yes gabbys the one who left me I didn't leave her
i meant slug
Kyle just I have to say one thing to you
yeah but I don't no why u didn't try to stop her *looks mad at u *
what is happening right now
I wanted her to be happy and if she wanted to leave me she can leave me
Pagan: I.....*leaves quickly*...
panga wait *runs after her*
plz don't leave u seem like a great person
no u got it all wrong and don't talk about ppl behinds there backs it's not cool got it
Galaxy:Um...*looks to both sides*guys?
she's 12
he's 14 and so am I
Pagan: *walks fast*...
panga! panga! panga where are you?!
but the most devastated thing is...
if u have a problem with them dating maybe u need some mental help
what Kyle
she's online dating π³π³π³
dude I've none nessa for 2 years now it's not technically online dating
it's nessas brother and I think I can trust him I don't no yet
no, gabby
what is Nessa doing
I'm so confused *hands up and walks out the door*
Nessa's fine, ok, its gabby who's online dating
Pagan: Stop..stop..STOP
for what do u want me to stop
is your name gabby
no it's Eva but everyone calls me Anahi
Galaxy:*screams*EVERYONE STOP PLEASE!!!
and why do u care about my name
I'm leaving i can't take it any more by I'll see u guys at my funeral tomorrow and sry Brent
because you tell me "what your doing wrong" when I'm taking About gabby
so am I
Pagan: Done..bye
ok hope u have a nice day and sry π
Galaxy:Oops um...did I make things worse*eyes tearing up*
no it's my fault
for being born and causing all this drama
Galaxy:No it's no ones fault
it's mine
panga plz come back plz
Galaxy:*falls on her back and looks at the sky*errr
Galaxy:*shakes her head*What...is going...on...?
*lays next to galaxy* idk
Pagan: *just stands there*
Galaxy:You know we're lying in the snow
idc I love snow what's wrong panga
random questions π¬π¬π¬π¬π¬π¬π¬π¬
um can u tell Kyle to not talk to me I'm kinda mad at him
Galaxy:Same same...*voice trails off*
what's ur name ??
Galaxy:I don't have any questions
Pagan: I...
u what
*gets up and walks over pagan* are you ok what's wrong
Galaxy:You asked someone what's there name
yeah u
Galaxy my name is Galaxy
Pagan: I..I'm not gonna be here for a while..
that's a pretty name and pagan why won't u be on
why what's bothering you tell me plz
Pagan: Let's just say..old habits live on and die hard...
what do you mean
yeah what's that mean
*rolls up sleeves to show scars, lots of them*
are you ok tell me you didn't do this to your self
heh..see? you guys hate me
no I care about you this is why we talk t you and this is why I care about you *comes over and kisses pagan*
*blushes bright red and kisses back*
*hugs tightly* don't ever hurt yourself
O-okay...*hugs back*
cuz I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you ever
I-I love you too..
o-ok but fist you need to meat someone that cares a lot to me ok
come to my house real quite that's the only why you can meat them
*grabs hand and starts walking fast*
*squeaks and follows you*
*smiles* *time passes and at house* ok we're here
*is kinda hid behind you*
are you ok
Mhm..just scared to meet this person
don't be their shy too
W-Will they like me..?
*opens the door* Nessa: hey bro br- ... who who's is
*hides behind Brent* I-I'm P-Pagan.....
doode, where is ness all the time!? πππ»ββοΈboi
why is she letting you take over all day?
galaxy_nerdsiblings, more like galaxy_nerdguy
shut up Kyle Nessa isn't doing will she's sick ok
Nessa: h-hey I'm n-Nessa Brent's little sister
sick for how long?
*waves* N-Nice to meet you..
and why do you always say shut up to me? I already did!
she's been really sick for like ever sense she was born ok
Nessa: *waves a little and smiles*
*smiles back*...
dude, I don't think you like me anymore, but why?
Nessa: *walks off*. Brent: so yeah that's the person I wanted you to meet so what do you want to do
S-she's nice..a-and I don't know...
no Kyle I'm still your friend it's just Nessa and I have been going though a lot of stuff ok and it's been getting to us so yeah sorry if I've been mean to you I don't mean to
I don't get it! you always been nice to me, and look at us now! seriously dude! what happened? I just want to know, so I can stop doing whatever I'm doing wrong πππ
do you want to watch a movie
your not doing anything wrong it's me I'm sorry
it's just, *sigh* I care about everybody I know (except my sister π) and I don't know why ness isn't on pc anymore
*leads you to the living room* what movie do you want to watch
watch, the movie "up"!
she just needs her rest and so I give it to her I just want to ok I'll ask her if she'll try to get on tomorrow and I'll tell you what she says ok
Don't..know..*sits on the couch*
please like my recent do it gets to 200+ likes, tysmπΌπΌβοΈπ