

144 3
PastelCreative 😜
_PastelVibes_ 😱
ASTRID_SAENZ has more followers
Thanks so much for choosing me to be the follower of the week👏🏼👑✨💖👋🏼😘🍥😍
MoonLight_Kitten: done!!🦄💜
My story ----- On PC there are a lot of people pretending to be like people of tumblr the only problem is that that is still someone's identity and they are taking that away by posting selfies of the "tumblr girls" and saying that that is who they are
indeed! thank you for your input!
but they put pcers that actually can't make collages! what they post is 😳😵🤐🙈🙉🙊
my story--People try to pretend to be one another and it creates so much drama! PC was meant to be a safe social media for children to get creative and interact with people their age. Now, pic collage is turning into another Instagram or Twitter. I have Insta, and I don't love it. though sometimes I want to get away from all of that drama and come on here. though now it feels like there is even more drama on here!
I just want them to put people with over 10k on the pop page, but try to feature a lot of collages. without that, the pop page just loses its meaning!
Rachel79812 💩
Can you talk about how the same people get featured and have multiple posts on the featured page? FierceMelody ps I also want to enter for collage of the week but I can't them to send to you 💗😩
done☃ @blastinqoreos
the Pop Page should be for people who try hard on collages have over 5k, and are nice. the Pop Page is for people who get noticed a lot and are popular. 🙈✋🏻
and astrid_saenz has the most
ive interviewed triplet_klf if you want to use it😊
Done! @QueenAriBoca The Pop Page stands for Popular Page. I don't think it has anything to do with followers, though. It has to do with how nice your collages are. You could have 400 followers but have extremely good collages, and so you deserve to be on the Pop Page! And, I believe astrid_saenz has the most followers!💖
people got just as mad either way
that is INCREDIBLY true👌🏼 @NevermindMe_
I think it is fair that people as low as 400 are on the popular page because its the collages that count right? don't base your fame by numbers
I think the people page is a much better idea than a pop page, perhaps PC should start calling it the people page!😄 And if you want, I'm going on a trip to Haiti in a year and 1/2 with some people from church, and it would be great to have some ideas for more things to do there! I think the backstory for it might make a good article too. Thanks, and I can talk anytime!👋
followers shouldn't determine if you're on the popular page, quality and stuff go into the bowl of seeing who goes on. if some are saying that people with lower than 400 aren't as good as them because they have 4K or 10k is rude because some people just need to be discovered
I agree with te popular page thing. pic collage once put an account with only 800 followers on the pop page, whereas I know MANY other accounts that have over 20k and not on the pop page!
done! PIELOVER33 😂I love this account so much!