husband,,, but andy is better ((;;


husband,,, but andy is better ((;;

13 7
phone...dying....28%.....charger unavailable until further notice...(probably tomorrow).....I luv you
NevermInd I got one🌚
ok ok ok heyyyy nirvana I miss yu ;-;
nirvana :(
nïrvÄñÄ. nïrvÄñÄ.
nïrvÄñÄ >:c
nïrvÄñÄ >:,c
baby..come back
I miss you
I miss you so freaking much
please come back:((
I'll wait for you
I'll wait every single day for you
I miss you
come back
you keep leaving me:(
I love you so much
you used to spam me
now I spam you
I don't want to be single
I want to be taken
by you
you said you'd never leave:(
where are you
I miss you
I love you
fûçk I love you
I want you
I love you
so much
please come back
I'll be here
I always will
I'm starting to worry though
what if something happened to u..
I miss you
I miss yer kiss
didja know I made a playlist for you:)
yer gonna come back one day
and I'm going to be so happy
I'm sorry:(
I love you a lot ok?
you'll always be my #1
but I have to move on...
I didn't want to accept it
but you've been gone for months bug
I can't believe this time would ever come but
I asked someone out
and I like them a lot
and if she says yes
I want you to know that I'll always love you
and the sad thing is even if we date
id probably always choose you if you came back:(
your always gonna be my babygirl
I love you
but I know if you were reading this right now
you'd understand
but waiting for you is stressful baby
and upsetting because you never respond
I hope nothing happened to you
I remember the first time you came back
I stared crying
I was so happy
I missed you so much
I never knew someone I never met could make me feel
make me feel so
and overall
but you did
so I thank you for that nirvana :(
but if you love something set it free
I love you so much
and if it comes back it's meant to be
I know with all my heart we were meant to be
so now all I have to do is wait for you to come back
hey babygirl
I can't move one
your all I want:(
I miss you
I miss yer kiss
I miss yer lips
I miss yer tĂŻts
I miss yer pain
I miss yer brain
I miss yer text
I miss yer sĂšx
so just miss yer plan
stay at my place
hi nïrvÄñÄ!
I know you're not seeing this RIGHT now
and I know I might not be able to talk to you for sheiks
I know you knew that but:))
like you don't even know
I'm cryING
someone named mikey told me you're okay
and I really hope he didn't make that up
because oh my god
in so happy
I love you
is it really you on the other account?
hey babygirl
I don't know if you can talk but
I love you
sweet dreams:)
I miss you so much
hi baby
hello vana :)
im in a good mood today
I was gonna delete PC because I recently found out I Have cancer. I wanted to say goodbye to everyone because I didn't know how much longer id live
but it turns out I'm doing a lot better:)
when I came back, my girlfriend left me a bunch of notes everyday telling me everything she loved about me and how she'd wait for me everyday
and that reminded me of how when you first left I told myself I'd never give up on you
that id always wait for you to come back
and I know you're in that mental thingy...but even if I'm taken I hope you come back.
but anywyas, the whole thing about waiting for someone to come back made me realize one thing
I love my girlfriend. so so so so sos is so sos sos is sos sosnsndosnsnd much
and as much as I want you to come back,,I think our time is over babygirl :(
it's been fun.
and I definitely still love you..but I've also found love in someone else and...I want to be with her right now
scratch that lmaĂž
we broke up because we rushed into things
literally I've been single for two hours
she had a girlfriend
they are currently fu*kĂ­ng lol
I'm heartbroken
I want you
I just thought of you
and Imiss you like hĂšll
I have hope you'll come back
please come back
I thought of you while listening to troye Sivan
talk me down
I want you
my love
I'd read our old conversations but they make me sad
ok already starting to cry
I can't live without you
merry Christmas baby :)
your my 11:11 wish every day
my Christmas miracle
come back
I want to kiss you
I need to kiss you
btw the other account, justsam- was Meee but when I thought I was leaving I have t away
This is me
I can't leave because
you may come back
calum apologizes.. my old girlfriend
she feels bad
I know her and I know it's sincere
I'm not ready to take her BAKC but I want to
but I still want you
calum is leaving me I think...
she thinks I love you more than her
and I don't even know if that's true
but I really love her.
and you've come back to many times, I can't get that lucky you'd come back again..
although I want you to
I'm trying to move on nirvana
it's fĂŒĂ§kßñg hard
someone is trying to turn cal and us against each other
she told cal to look at these comments
and cal read them
and she doesn't want me anymore
I don't know what to think
you were all I wanted
and now calum is
of course I still love you
calum is here now, and as much as I hate to say it're not
I know you understand
if you come back, let's be friends, okay?
I'm shivering and crying as I type this but..
I'm done commenting babygirl..
I love you more than anything
so here's to you
my first love
it's almost been a year since we began talking
and now it's the last..
goodbye :(
I know I said I wouldn't text you
and I don't want to
I want to move on but not forget
so I'm gonna be using your pc kid for a little :)
I know you'd be ok with that
love you
ok bye :(
dyinf. it's been 2 months