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i apologise for being mean lia, hope you’re okay :,)
hello? -meredith
oh hi :)
really? has she mentioned me? im okay, what about you?
that’s okay and that’s good :)
just okay :)
yea sure, did you have something in mind?
hi how are you Lia?
i’m fine. what have you been up to
yeah just some family stuff :,)
i don’t really wanna go into it any further than this - my mom used to have cancer few years ago, and it’s just come back
but yeah we can do something
yes i’m good! just very busy
work keeps me
how are you ?
good morning (:
i feel like you’re always having an exam
isn’t it summer time
i’m okay, what about you?
summer schooool? proud of you!
that is very true
definitely wouldn’t want a dumb teacher
bigger bank??
i don’t mind we can do anything
your pick lia
yeah that sounds good
yes you pay
it’s okay lia :) thank you. let’s do something
shopping sounds fun
idk i’ll probably be on and off so it won’t be a full conversation
i need whole new closet
we can buy each other some stuff lia but you aren’t paying for it all
i graduated a bit ago x i was in school for a whileeee it took me a little longer to finish them classes
how much longer do you have?
lia i don’t expect you to buy me anything!
let’s just do mini or large shopping spree
i don’t think i’ve ever matched w someone before but of course
my bachelors degree in civil engineering
and that’s awesome x
absolutely i love green
thank you ophelia :) i appreciate that
i definitely love the green
beautiful color
no no i’m ok let’s shop
cute, yes please. i’d say we’re similar size!
i agree they definitely scream summer time that’s for sure
yesss i know i can tell
definitely not a bad thing
wait did you ever take that exam
i swear you said you had one to take today
how’d you do?
sure, like what?
OMG so sorry i didn’t see your reply
my mornings been good (: and yours lia?
i feel better talking to you now lia
you’re a good friend
i just think i can talk to you about anything
which is strange because usually i don’t wanna tell anyone ANYTHING
okay, that sounds good
well if you ever need to talk abt anything i’m here
still wanna go shopping?
hmmm, whereabouts should we go first? -smiles at you as i fix my dress a little, looking around at the different shops- this place is huge
how’s your morning going?
i always forget what time it is for you
absolutely amazing x i’m super happy this morning
it’s 44 after 11 for me
to clean the house and i have a small shift at 5 today x
my best friend came back x i was telling you about her
i hope i’ll be less tired too x maybe a nap is needed
i’m sure you two could be good friends x talk to her
i’m good how are you lia?
thank u lia 🩷
what are you up to?
i’m alright, thanks. what about you?
oh okay, thanks :)
ugh sorry had a nap
now making food
chicken nuggets 😭 i just needed something small
i like ur thinking
except i’m having it with aioli