Do you ever see a picture and just think, "I want to be here,"? That's how I feel about this one.✨If you could be anywhere is the world right now, where would you be?💐


Do you ever see a picture and just think, "I want to be here,"? That's how I feel about this one.✨If you could be anywhere is the world right now, where would you be?💐

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Somewhere calm and colorful outdoors. Maybe a secluded camping site or by a lake. I can hear the birds and the breeze.😌💕
I love your new icon!👍🏻💕🍄😘🌊
this is I N C R E D I B L E by the way!🌊😘😱👀🌺
and I wanna be in this picture, it's looks really COOL!👍🏻👍🏻👀🌊🌍
@caption yes I do, and I have no idea where I would be. There's so many beautiful places and I want to be at all of them. (This edit is very pretty!💙)
that was wrong 😂 the answer is Zoella and Poppy Deyes 😄💕 anyways, I think you'll know who this is when I post my collage 😂⬇️
mais comment tu fais pour faire des aussi beau collage? 🤔😉