Collage by awesomefoxgirl001


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I have a question
who do you like?
Sorry, can't answer that
Why are you asking?
no reaseon
No, tell me!
I won't get mad or anything JUST TELL ME WHY YOU ASKED
*grabbing a bowl of popcorn*🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
just wondering ya know
you did say "anything"
Well, I can't answer these questions: Where I live, who I like, what's my last name. It's just a slogan or whatever
Why won't you tell me WHY you were wondering?
I did
no reason
why would someone ask where you live that is just weird
Who knows? There might be some creep out there! Or worse, a clown that wants to kill me or something
And I know why you asked, but I won't tell
Btw, how's your winter break going?
I was just wondering but ok
my winter break is going pretty swell
What's swell?
I feel stupid
swell is another word for well but it is like better than well it's swell
can you email me the reason you think I asked who you like please if you want to
You sometimes say old fashioned words like "swell" and "oh golly"
Sorry to be pushy but PUH-leez tell meh WHY YOU ASKED