#PrayForSonja #ThinkOfSonja πŸ’—


#PrayForSonja #ThinkOfSonja πŸ’—

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I'm going to sound really weird, but who's Sonja?πŸ’•
Omg yes a Grigio Girls collage!❀️❀️❀️❀️
Sonja is Gaga's friend who's going through stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her lungs and brain. Gaga wrote Grigio Girls inspired by her and also her other friends. ❀️ There's nothing weird about asking, I didn't really make it clear in my collage, sorry :P I remember you asked me if I would be making a Grigio Girls collage a while back, here it is! πŸ˜„
Thanks for telling me! Poor Sonja❀️❀️
Sonja got married last month! πŸ˜†