Never give up on your dreams


Never give up on your dreams

146 3
I made a collage inspired by you and posted it!
please check it out and tell me if it's too much like one of yours so I can delete it
Sorry accidentally must have bumped unfollow😅
u don't have to be so mean about @foxfire_ contest, I'm a nice PCer so just mind ur own business and don't be so rude
I think you have the wrong person??
stop trying to cover urself up! I know I don't have the person! I'm not an idiot! Don't be Such a jerk!😡
What are you talking about?? I honestly have no idea please tell me?? 😟
u judged my entery on @foxfire_'s photo contest by saying I didn't take it but I did
oh yeah I remember you, it wasn't yours because it had a watermark on it (a logo from the company) which proves you didn't take it 😱
Also that's plagiarism by the way!
I didn't cheat, so please stop, I don't know what u saw, but it could' ve been my dads photography label if that's what u saw on my pic
oh yah! it is! can we plz end this feud?😊
I've been taking piano lessons for 9 years, I'm in 8th grade (so I've been taking lessons since I was 4)
loving this quote. 💖🌹