She gave me a huge spam so thx for that and follow her remember the name


Omg SHOUTOUT Jump_With_Joy She gave me a huge spam so thx for that and follow her remember the name Jump_With_Joy

7 0
wow nice and (thats not a huge spam) but so cool!
it actually is coz the pics got shrunk to be put into a frame
all good
yea but still spams are bigger than that
not really it took most of the aria thingy
it is actually a big spam how do u know that it is a small spam coz u haven't seen my acc
coz u have screen shotted and boy i know wat a HUGE spam is trust me been there done that and i think after all the time ive been on there id know. and geez no need to get angry k i was just saying cool
i wasn't getting mad i was just saying coz it took up alot of the area where it says that ppl have liked it and u actually cant tell bc u r not me and u havent seen my acc so i am not getting mad i am just saying that u r not me and i do know what a HUGE spam is ok just bc i am new at this and not as popular as u and i know that u were saying how many more followers u have and how many u get over night even when u were new on pc and thats good a am happy that u enjoy pc but i like insta better
ok i am not mad i am just saying
coz it isn't a big deal!!! i mean seriously i know its a HUGE spam soooo i just think that we shldnt really be having an argument over this!!
u cant tell through i computer screen!!