Don't ever let a guy/girl control you, you are your own person, not his/hers. WOMEN WILL RULE THE WORLD.


Tap! Don't ever let a guy/girl control you, you are your own person, not his/hers. WOMEN WILL RULE THE WORLD.

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Queens! Also I saw that guy that was taking to you on your most recent post and I schooled him on the facts lol šŸ˜‚ Anyway this is a gorgeous collage! Keep spreading those positive feminist vibes! šŸ’“
thanks for liking my collages I love ur account
I didnā€™t block him. I donā€™t agree at all with his political opinions, to be honest I HATE them, but we had a valuable conversation and it really help me learn what trump supporters like about trump and helped him learn what people on my side of he political spectrum think. But even though Iā€™m a feminists I still think women are just the best thing ever (Iā€™m straight though, I donā€™t mean it in a love sorta way) but I still think we should have equal rights
Re//: Thx. To be honest while Hillary was running I didnā€™t want to say ā€œIā€™m a feministā€ because it had such a bad light around it. After the election I saw people defining feminist for themselves, and I thought ā€œwhat? I really am a feminist!ā€ Your awesome too! And I love that you stand up for women & girls!
I hate how people think feminism is just bring women up put males down feminists are for equality between all gender identityā€™s itā€™s basically just equality they want
and that means In all ways even if it brings them down like for a crime to get the same amount of time for the same crime because thatā€™s what it should be
yeah like what the heck
* I will
love this!
can I repost it?
omg I love your posts! so beautiful and inspiring!šŸ˜