i thought you were bae.. turns out, you’re just fam 🤟🏽


i thought you were bae.. turns out, you’re just fam 🤟🏽

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hi I’m Rose
hello there :) x I’m Marci
how’re you ? x
that’s good to hear :) I’m fine — I’ll be okay x want to do something ?
im meadOw
bc I’m cooL😎
wHy is your phone upside down??
wOuldn't that make the picture upside down too??
then why isn't it? im maryjane by the way, xo
remix me ?
jeez, i've heard that too!
i like how sarcastic you are :,)
hello I’m Ally
hi im ezra x
nice to meet you lovely x
i’m laying on my bed because it’s so hot!!! x
okay lets change the subject lmaoo
hello x