See what I mean guys...but I guess this was ok to post


See what I mean guys...but I guess this was ok to post

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What are you taking about!?!? All your collages are amazing!!
Your edits will always be gorgeous. I know as well as well as anyone that there will be times where you just can't satisfy yourself but I'm glad you've come back. There have been some weeks where I was so frustrated at myself for not making 'good enough' edits. Everyone has those times. 💕 Just remember that this isn't really about what other people think of an edit, it's about the fact that you enjoy making them. If you enjoy making them, I'll love it no matter how bad you think it looks!
^^ We've all been there, it really feels terrible as if you can't do anything but I assure you that will change. No matter what you think about your edits people will continue to love them and you as a collager💕
This is gorgeous! All of your collages are, and don't worry for a second about it! Your collages never fail to amaze me, and they always will! ❤️
I love this so much! all of your collages are AMAZING
But this literally wins every single edit I have posted! Your page is so beautiful I sometimes enter every 5 minutes just because I want to see if you already posted something. The thing is, you are awesome, whether you are doing collages or not. Awesome and an artist, indeed. So, keep going! You are one of the best people in Pic Collage now! ;)}
And, thank you!
yes lol😂😂