(1) 🌊 alright, buds. here’s the first up. let’s see how this one is received 🤔 it’s honestly been a while since i’ve shared my writing and am so nervous and jumpy at what y’all will think of this 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ *throws phone like a hot potato and goes back to com


(1) 🌊 alright, buds. here’s the first up. let’s see how this one is received 🤔 it’s honestly been a while since i’ve shared my writing and am so nervous and jumpy at what y’all will think of this 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ *throws phone like a hot potato and goes back to com

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I'm curious to see the rest!!
@everykindofqxeer, you are everything 🙏🏽❤️
oooh~ is it bad how quickly I got invested in this story😅💕
hmmm I love this!
boi, i’m invested, hooked, etc 😍💕
take my soul
Woah I can’t wait to read more!❤️💓Writing is magnificent as always
The action hasn’t even started yet and I’m jumpy to see what comes next.👏🏼
@Naive_Lilacs, bless you 🍑❤️
@little_lollipop, thanks so much, cate! 😊
@PALOMABEAN, taco, i will literally turn myself into a rainbow and get someone mail me to you, i love you 💓
@ShatteredCrystal, thank you, pal 😌
@Photo-Booth, next part’s up for you 😌