Collage by lone-girl


54 5
Hopefully tomorrow is better☀️🌤
I doubt it x
I'm here if you need to chat x
thanks xxx
I had the worst day I got shot
oh my gosh are you ok??
Nate can u stop PRETENDING that ur in the military
I feel ur pain😂
yeah xxx today wasn't any better
do you want to talk about it
I understand, I had to show my mum my cuts last week because my doctor saw them
TheWitherBossF15 I'm was shot
srry 2 all who are hurting now❤️😔🌺
u poor thing sorry I wasn't on to support u I had my best friends dramas to deal with
it's ok
no no no no no, don't say that. I wanted to do that once but I stayed strong and I made this account. I want you to see what I post and know about my struggles and understand that life gets better as I'm still alive
no they wouldn't
same x but life does get better
Hey, what happened???
my brother died
so sorry