Collage by happyteens-


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good morning x ❤️
yeah.. :/ and okay x
*kisses you back and smiles, giggling softly*
into something nice ?
*changes into a skin tight black dress with black heels* this good?
*giggles and blushes* you don’t look too bad yourself (:
*nods and follows yoy*
*continues to follow you, walks behind you*
*holds your hand and smiles*
*walks in the door and smiles at you* thanks, love
*giggles and pulls you in with me*
*looks around* explain daddy x
*squeals* yayyy *smiles at you* thanks xx
*smiles and sits down next to you*
*shrugs a bit* I dunnnooo
I’ll have steak then *smiles*
*smiles as I stare at your red cheeks* adorable.
no no!!
*growls* nooo *giggles*
*gets exited*
*smiles over at you*
... 🙁
I... I guess I should move on...? daddy...?