Yona! How's everyone doing? Anyone wanna chat or whatever?


Yona! How's everyone doing? Anyone wanna chat or whatever?

102 74
hi lory
did you have chai tea?
no ;-; I only ate cereal this morning because my mom had to go somewhere earlier
ohhhh okey what kinda cereal was it? 030
uhh lucky charms? XD
I told my mom about the tea, but she said she has some with coconut in it
and I was like, no I just want regular :T
oh nice๐Ÿ˜‚ Tbh i like hot chocolate more than tea or coffee :\
me too, but my mom doesn't like making hot chocolate unless it's winter
and I don't drink coffee a lot like I used to
but hopefully she'll take me to the store so we can buy some :3
i don't like coffee at all :( I think I offended Ceri when I told him that but I just really, strongly dislike the taste of it๐Ÿ˜‚
oh ;-; ((I'm offended, jk))
I never really liked tea tho, so heh >_<
but I really love the smell
tea makes me feel wiser, calmer, and older than my years
which, in case you were wondering, is a good feeling for ne
hehe yeah, it really does! XD
chai tea originated from India, and oddly my mom knows a lot of Indian people. so I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard for me to find :3
Yup! I like chai tea because of the spices used in it that create a unique flavor... I don't like coffee because of the bitterness, even when you dump loads of creamer and sugar in it (those additives are unhealthy and fattening anyways, so I'd rather stay clear of them) :P
hehe ur almost like my mom X3
but yeah, I'm going to start drinking it for sure! :3
brooooo im so hungry ;-;
me too
I haven't eaten dinner yet
we should be eating in five but
my moms not home, so... I'm at a disadvantage ;-;
i aTE
some sort of spanish stew thing :")
it was p good
ooo I bet it was good :3
yahhh my dad made it cuz I can't even microwave popcorn without burning it .-. (as proven today)
I wish you dad could cook
all he can make is fried ice cream c:T
well I've never had fried ice cream so :\ I feel deprived ;___;
oops I meant my dad, idk what's wrong with me ๐Ÿ˜‚
how does it even work? Like, wouldn't the ice cream melt though?
its breaded and then it's quickly deep fried. then it's crispy on the outside, while the inside is still cold
you can add corn flakes or oatmeal a the bottom of it all sometimes v:3
i want
i want now
*gives u some*
It's a Spanish dessert, so whenever you come over, I'll treat you to some! :D
i wANT
the cravings ;3;
hehe :3 you can add cinnamon and other things like that too ^~^
i had a dream that you ceri an everyone else met up at the beach together 0__0
it was cool
like, we were all older, in college or whatever, and it was lit
i knOW
that's so cool!!!
let's plan on it one day
and we had adjoining rooms and ahh we went shopping and to the beach and to cafes and ordered pizza to our hotel rooms :")
and then we all eat fried ice cream and watch the ocean with a camp out :D
and watch amber and lorena cuddle in the hotel room๐Ÿ‘€
wot wot wot
what about you and Ceri hmmm??? ๐Ÿ‘€
snuggling i bet
what thoughts are going thru that mind of yours, Lorena?๐Ÿ‘€
doing more than just snuggling
//images flash before her eyes
oh dayum
yesss *mini high five to myself*
kiss kiss fall in love
how!!! about!!! we!!! stay!!! on!!! first!!! base!!! please!!!
no!!! we!!! can!!! not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or!!! you!!! guys!!!
i dont think ceri is interested at all aHAHAHAHA :"D
he will be
cuz it's ME ur talking to Saku
oh really, its YOU im talking to, huh?
yes it is ๐Ÿ‘€
I have my secret ways ๐Ÿ‘€
don't forget that.... oooo
dude. dude. he needs to talk with other people. we've got a 1200 remix streak. we both have no lives. w t fricklefrackle
actually, nvm, i get jealous easily
dรคmn even I've never remixed anyone for that long
oh yeah ;0;
yeahhh im surprised that he hasn't gotten tired and bored of talking with me (hE PROBABLY HAS BUT IS TOO POLITE TO SAY SO) :"D
I get scared other people get bored of me
then they're usually the ones who never remix back
ahaha ha haha ha i cant hold a conversation well at all
then they say they have no one to talk to ?ยฟ?
same. I eventually run out of things to say
then I start asking dumb questions
haha like right now...
uh... just ask me something random to start a conversation XD
ah I love this!! the anime is so good ugh๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป
^darling, you edit just fine how it is
aw thanks Nova, but your edits are just as good as mine. its hard to find styles like yours and mine because they're not around anymore like they used to. and your style is very unique and creative and just so fab. remember that okay? :3
no problem! :3
hiya :3
I'm being forced to read but I snuck my phone into my room with me -w-
it's called something like 'New Romantics' I think. If you can't find it, tell me and I'll double check ;)
Ive never watched Yona. Should I? :3
yes you should!