I try to share love and encouragement. plz remix and tell me all your thoughts. I'm open to improvement


I try to share love and encouragement. plz remix and tell me all your thoughts. I'm open to improvement

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If you are feeling this way and can't find a way out, find something that is soothing to you. For me it could be a cup of tea and a blanket, outside with a book. Or taking a walk. Idk something that you can enjoy and find peace. That's one way of dealing with it. Another way could just calling someone and asking them to just come be with you. You don't have to do anything special but if you need a friend to just sit there with you then do that
Another way of looking at life is by saying can I fix this right now? No? then don't sit and try to think of harmful ways to fix things. U only have a short time on earth so live it to the fullest and ask for help when you need it....I'm always here