These may not be the most happy-go-lucky books in the world, but they are my favorite books. The reason MockingJay is not on here is because I personally think it was not as good as the first two books. I put only the Maze Runner on here because I am on b


These may not be the most happy-go-lucky books in the world, but they are my favorite books. The reason MockingJay is not on here is because I personally think it was not as good as the first two books. I put only the Maze Runner on here because I am on b

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My caption was to long. Here is what is supposed to say. These may not be the most happy-go-lucky books in the world, but they are my favorite books. The reason MockingJay is not on here is because I personally think it was not as good as the first two books. I put only the Maze Runner on here because I am on book 2. Like and say (if you have read any of them) which book you love most. (Ps. Book thief is really good, so it is one of my favorites!)