Collage inspired by: cactus-
Also after my commenting contest I will be doing games!!! And after all my interesting themes, I will be doing some themes like adventure, desserts, love, summer, etc...
QOTD in comments


๐Ÿ–Tap๐Ÿ– Collage inspired by: cactus- Also after my commenting contest I will be doing games!!! And after all my interesting themes, I will be doing some themes like adventure, desserts, love, summer, etc... QOTD in comments

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Q// Will you enter my games if I run one? A// idk Iโ€™m asking you guys!!!
of course ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•
feel free to add any more designs that youโ€™d like โ™ฅ๏ธ
okay yay!
lol u might think Iโ€™m dumb but like how do u collob
lol ??!๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
okie ty hun so letโ€™s start ?!!!
ur practically the sweetest person ever
lol should I make a chat page for us so like we can do it there ?!?
ya np!!
soooo beautiful
plz tell me what you think!!
I know you are really busy, but but could you run my account from the 18th-25th?? It would be a help while Iโ€™m at camp!! Feel free to add collages as well as liking other posts!! please chat with me Asap!!
Iโ€™m going to put the โ€˜thingsโ€™ in one of your first collages!!
for the next week can you please be active!!!!!
you can post, make sure the contest is ok, maybe grade them... (you can do pretty much anything) maybe a icon change. idk, itโ€™s up to you!!
good luck, I have to go!!
ok that sounds good!!
pls join my contest
okie lol when !!??
wanna do it now !!?
okay sry sure now it great
made it !!!
hey come on
Sure! What part do you want to do?
absolutely stunning๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒน
Iโ€™m so sry I was eating so love
omg so pretty!!
i dont really do collabs im sorry ^___^ forgive me !!
Wow!!! I love the collab so much! you did a beautiful job with it!!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’•
hahs thank u ! i just dont really like them :::/2
Do you have a quote?
Ok thx
Ok Iโ€™ll mak it as quick as I can
youโ€™re collages are stunnnnnnning!
so pretty!!