


27 50
Why did u block gabrielle?!?!? she loves u and thought ya'll were dating
she cant tlk to u. its blocked
someone did...when she clicks on ur acc it says oops....
she's rly upset...she wont stop crying
us either...so are ya'll single?? ur bio says so
she loved u....but now she thinks u left her so she's hearbroken and pîssed
u broke her heart....of course she's mad
she thinks u blocked her and left her cuz ur bio says single
well there no way for ya'll to tlk now...
it'll b ok....she said she's used to getting hurt. she said she'll prolly jus leave pc
its ok...she said u deserve better anyway
she thinks she wasnt good nuff cuz all tht happened
maybe ya'll could use my acc to tlk since u blocked hers. unless u found someone new
someone on ur acc did...
its up to u. she can use my acc if she need
no dont she needs u
she'll tlk to u if u tlk to her...she just doesnt understand wht happened
ok just follow her acc after u do