Well my name is Annalea but my friends call me Anna❤️I am a tomboy☺️I play football,volleyball,basketball (sometimes),soccer,and softball👏🏻my best friend is my younger brother Nathan😜my fav color is mint green👗and I am 13 so ya.i hope this was helpful


Well my name is Annalea but my friends call me Anna❤️I am a tomboy☺️I play football,volleyball,basketball (sometimes),soccer,and softball👏🏻my best friend is my younger brother Nathan😜my fav color is mint green👗and I am 13 so ya.i hope this was helpful

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Can you like my recent collage!? thx!❤️
man I wish we could date Ann
don't you have a girlfriend
ya that's y I said I wish we could
o ya I see now sorry why
do you wish we could
bc I just want 2 date u
and it's ok
ya I do
o ok
I guess
cause that's not an answer
never mind
no it's ok
well u are really beautiful and my friend would be jealous I would be dating someone as cute as u
o thanks
it's really ok
dude she said it's ok we know each other
who the fûck would you know if I didn't know her
I know him
I talked to him a couple times
it's ok she is trying to help
exactly we know each other really well
well that is true
I wouldn't say very well but I know him
ya we get it
ya that's right
that don't stop me from talking 2 her
it's ok I would help too if I saw something like this
I'm not mad
I'm just saying
could we stop fighting
in not trying to fight an
ok ok ok I'm chill
ok thanks really
I'll get out of here for a few but I'll still be on
u 2 can talk
ok thanks
and I'm sorry if I pîssed u off anna
it's ok
plz don't go to bed mad
well I'm happy the fight stopped
lol this fight is stupid
ya really