What are your pronouns? Feel free to add that to your comment!


What are your pronouns? Feel free to add that to your comment!

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wait sorry wdym catie?
so I make a sentence and refer to u as they/them?
also my pronouns are she/her
I mean that’s for ppl that know me rlly well for ppl that like don’t rlly know me I would prefer them referring to me as they/them because they may not know my gender and all
hey! have you heard of caite? yeah! she loves piccollage! they are so awesome and so dedicated!! (hope that’s good enough)
she loves all these sweet comments and they don’t know that they’re beautiful inside and out!!
ahh oki nu I’m the dumb one
supppppp 😎 go follow @euph0ria- catie, she’s a rlly sweet person anddddd they make absolutely stunning collages! she never fails to disappoint me or literally anyone!
but tbh it’s uty to decide however I would like to be called
awww i’m glad you liked it caite!!! ☺️☺️
yoyo you all should follow this really sweet person caite, they are extremely talented and amazing! :-)
She is super creative, and they never fail to inspire me 😁
caite is my inspiration! she is so incredibly sweet and they are insanely talented! you need to follow them right now!💕
also 🤠 goodluck with figuring urself out! i had a really hard time coming to the conclusion that im non binary, but also go by female pronouns. the whole gender thing can be hard lol. but im sure u will figure it out ☺
Catie is so amazing and she has amazing talent! I wish my collages were as good as theirs!
hey so i'm trying to educate myself more on different sexualities and gender preferences, so someone who wants to use she/they or he/they pronouns would mean they are okay being called a she (or he) and a they? thx for helping and seriously all your collages have helped me be educated so much in ways i'm not exposed to at school and home.
aaaahhh hey me too mate
have you seen @euph0ria-?? she makes awesome collages and is super nice! ! you should make sure you follow them!
henlo! I am a lesbian and a guy walked up to me a week ago and said I can name you straight what can I do about it?
caites the absolute best, she’s super sweet and u better use their new pronouns if she wants you to by death of me bc the pronoun struggle is very real 💀