Anyone wanna Chat?


Anyone wanna Chat?

6 0
what you up to?
I'm kinda...ehh getting better hbu
😌 you have siblings
same, I also have 3 sibling. I know, my wound haven't fully healed
if you had 3 wishes what would it be
1.wish that I had a thousand more wishes the homeless useful for something
thanks yours was nice too
because of i am a scaredy cat
the story is funny
do any poem, i like them all
oh, it was just something funny that my sister do and ask
lol, my sister asked worst she asked about what s*x is and also boys private parts, jeez kids now a days, I ignore them now
because I am not explaining that, that's my moms job
yeah, so what you up to now, getting. sleepy yet?
they might be good, let's see what you got, I'm weird too
u welcome
yeah they are, because you kept thought and work into it
there is no limit, dream as big as you want, it might just come true
yeah but your dream might just come true