Who votes for me to be Queen of PC


Who votes for me to be Queen of PC

9 0
you don't vote for royal positions, only in democratic situations...
well still who votes for me
I care about political branches
That's kinda lame ^
yea it is do you vote for me Lucy
I vote for no one, because we don't need a queen. But if your rich, you can buy PC
yes you will ivy
I can buy PC but idk if it's worth buying
Yeah it is. You can be the queen, and delete accounts if you don't like them.
true I might think about it
Why don't you just buy it. Then you'd probably have more followers.
I don't care about followers I just wanna rule over all o fyou
Yeah, you can rule over PC if you own PC. The Kawaii Furry Desu could become popular too:3
Ima like the middle of hope and despair
That's me too^^
I would think I'm hope, but I'm not one hundred percent sure
you can rule héll
you'll probably want to do that anyways
I already rule it
oh god, you guys are stupid as f**k
look who is talking