i need answers |


i need answers |

60 2
I will read it 😍☺️
I'll be obnoxious and comment on every line like I always do
brutally honest
I would.
I love reading stuff that isn't written by famous authors.
yes. i would read it πŸ’–
of course
yes, i would read it :)
I would definitely read it.
i'd read it because you are an amazing person and i bet that you have a lot to share
i would DEFINETLY read it!!
oh yeah I would read it☺️☁️I bet it would be amazing:)
i would definitely read it
I would take the time and patience to read and wait πŸ˜±πŸ˜‰πŸ’•
i would read it holy cheese
id read it without hesitation (:
Don't worry, I'm a twenty year old soul stuck in a fourteen year old body as well. You are not alone. I'm in the process of starting a book. I've been think of the plot for almost two months and I've written some random scene ideas but I haven't actually started it yet. I'll definitely read yours!
I'm obsessed with books, and if I read yours, it would defiantly be my favorite .πŸ’œ
I bet it will be amazing! I'll definitely read it