no remixes please, I won't be able to see or make them really soon


no remixes please, I won't be able to see or make them really soon

21 0
Everything is fine *starts walking towards the bed a bit fasted now*
*frowns* what do you mean?.......
I do not! And I'm not scared Sebastian!
S-Stop that! *tries to slap hand away*
oh dear lord i ship it too much
yes, sorry *goes over to bed and lays down*
I'll leave that up to you, Sebastian
I do not care if you leave, or stay
I suppose that would be alright, but only if you want to
*starts to become sleepy* *rubs eyes*
Do you like Grell?....*rubs eyes more*
oh....ok....*yawns a bit, then rolls over, no longer facing you*
*falls into a deep sleep*
*is having a nightmare* *whimpers a little*
*whimpers some more* *a single tear runs down the side of my face*
*starts breathing heavily, and seems a bit panicky*
*is still in a deep sleep*
....don't go....*cries more*
*starts to slowly calm down*
*is breathing calmly again*
*still sleeping*
*continues sleeping peacfully*
*rolls over in the bed*
*covers head with blankets and groans*
I don't know....*starts to fall back asleep*
Hey! Give me back my blanket! *gets mad and tries to take it from you*
what? who invited her to come here?!
*jumps in surprise when jumped on* hello Lizzy
very *puts on a fake smile and laughs a little*
but, you know, it would be lovely if you would give me a call to let me know your coming next time, ok Lizzy
*eyes widen and face turns bright red* *rips covers out of Sebastian's hands and covers body*
eh, I'm sorry Lady Elizabeth, but would you mind coming back at a later time?
I'm sorry Lizzy, but I need to bath, get dressed, eat breakfast, and do a lot other stuff *wipes away some of the tears and smiles* say, why don't you come over for lunch
I suppose....
now please leave, I have to take a bath and get dressed
*sighs* It's fine
thank you Sebastian * begins to get undressed*
hm *thinks for a moment* Vanilla
thank you
alright *gets in*
*sighs in relaxation*
Alright, when do we visit her to find out what this is all about?
hm....*reads the letter*....Sebastian may you go tell Lizzy to go home, it looks like we won't be able to have lunch today
tel her that I am very sorry
*Lizzy* of course you may Sebastian! *giggles*
*begins to look upset* it's ok Sebastian, I understand, when can I come back?
Alright, thank you Sebastian *leaves*
*Ciel* Yes?....
Alright then, lets go *stands up and exits the room*
can I join
yes *gets in*
hey its lifesproblems, I'm using my friends account