Anyone see Battle of Mewni?


Anyone see Battle of Mewni?

22 1
ooh nice ๐Ÿ’•
How are you doing friend? I feel like we haven't talk in ages
wow im so sorry about your cats. but I'm glad that you could do some fun things over the holidays. my summer has also been an emotional rollercoaster. A month ago it was the anniversary of my moms death, and my aunt passed away last week from cancer. but other than that I have had a pretty good summer. I have finished atleast three tv series and I have gone swimming a lot. plus we have season passes to our local amusement park.
but I have a month until I go back to school:)
thank you! and yeah I kinda miss winter. all the storms (which I love) and the movies for Christmas and hot cocoa. good times๐Ÿ˜‚