Jack took this picπŸ˜‚


Jack took this picπŸ˜‚

51 0
just at practice
Idk what do you want to do
have a good practice
I don't really care
thanks and if you want to friends then I guess we're now friends
well I want to date u
hey sorry I was in a class i just want to fix this
nice 😘
why did u delete ur other account
is it bc of the haters
if it is tell me so I can go and beet there a**
it's true
he doesn't deserve that f****** s***
he is to to nice for that 😘
that's why u guys r perfect for each other
and if he doesn't see that it's his own dam fault
it's what I always say
so Cody get ur act together and ask her out again
please do it for me πŸ™ƒ
yeah we just need to fix it
it's ok I bet u that u guys will fix ur things
I guess u just have to try
but then again who am I to say what to do
I guess if he really really likes u then he will come to
but that's how they r πŸ˜•
I should now 😞
happens with my x
yeah that's why I am giving u the advice 😢
thanks I got ur back always
that's why we r friends πŸ™ƒ
well I guess if he really cares for u let them come to u
don't come to him that's how u now if he really has ❀️u
soooo hey
I told u
what and sure we can talk
because I have a insta and a snap chat and some of my things go on there
yeah I will ok I promise
nothing just hanging out with my friend jack
ok well tell him I said hi plz
ok and bye I guess
wait u still wanted to talk πŸ€”
this thing that everybody was saying
they kept on saying he was fake
but I don't believe them
and now they r very wrong
and I also had to make him promise me that he wasn't going to hurt u
I mean that he and u would fixe things
told u
I am going to go so u guys can fix ur stuff
I'll be back later πŸ˜‰
bye πŸ‘Œ
oh ok
do you want to date or not
he he
srry I couldn't help myself πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
it's cool πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
but I am shure she will say yes she just needs some time ok
and i will talk to her I promise
ok cool
hey um forget about the thing about the I like u remember
bc I don't want to get in the middle of u and ur gf
yeah u go girl
good luck at ur game
ok cool
hope u guys win
yeah I hope you win😘
there we go
I am going to start calling u mr.jr
hey ok
let's talk
I will drive all the way down tiered to make shure u r ok
no problem thats what friends r for
Cody come on
hey it's me
who me
good hbu
I don't think he is
when u go to ur game and he gets on I will tell him u needed him ok
ok I will tell him
shur no problem
r u at ur game yet
oh sorry hey
yay good for you πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
yeah I guess so.... jk of corse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜
late night chat
yeah I'm up hey
hey can I talk to u alone plz
yeah and hey
woah your hot
hi 😊😊😊
have a nice day
your cute-Mackenzie❀️
thanks ❀️❀️
don't thank me for the truth❀️
your much hotter than me ❀️❀️❀️
no way❀️
yes you are
no your so cute
I know πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ just kidding
oh wow
yeah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
that was lo
sorry I can't spellπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
me ether I'm so stupid πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
no you seem smart❀️
well I'm not
I make bs in high school I'm like smart but not πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
lol. I make cs
wow πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I'm not smart
I bet your smarter than me
I bet not
I bet so
I bet not
you don't even want me
ily and I rly need to be with you rn
I'm here
-hugs you-
-hugs back and kisses your forehead-
my life is so fxcked up
I can make it better
any way you want
I just want you. and I want you happy.
I will as long as I'm with you -holds your hand-
-kisses you- how's your lip
it still hurts so maybe let's not kiss that hard
maybe we could do so,thing else so it doesn't hurt
ok I'm good with that we're at this party
what do you want to do
-bites lip- follow me -grabs your hand and walks-
-walks behind you-
-goes into a bedroom and locks the door behind us-
-smiles- what are we going to do now
well....... -lays on the bed- we could
-lays down- I would love to
-lays on top of you and kisses your chest-
are you okay
it's nothing -takes shirt off-
-stands up- tell me
it's just things that happened
what happened
well don't you know how I told you I wasn't a vergin
well I need to tell you something
she's pregnant
oh wow. so ig that means your going back to her😭😭😭
yes just don't worry about it
-pulls you back on bed- just don't think about it I only had sèx with her like 4 times
4 fxcking times.
maybe I'll
only have sΔ—x with James just 4 times
it was a wile ago this is why I didn't want to tell you
"only had sΔ—x with her like 4 times" how is that supposed to make me feel better
I didn't mean to make you feel bad sorry but our sèx was 10 times better
your and hers?😭😭😭😭
no ours
I fxcked you so much better
what's so wrong
okay all this happened today. My mom grandma and grandpa all died this morning. then I got a call 5 min ago my dad died
I'm so sorry I don't like seeing you sad can I do anything to make you feel better
bye. ily
please don't leave
because I love you and I don't want any other girl than you
okay. I'll consider it
-bites lip even though it really hurts-
stop doing that -looks at your lip and puts cream on it-
you like it and I want you to be happy I would die for you
I want you to not do it because it hurts you and I don't like you hurting
you can make me feel better
-sits back on bed- idk guess
-sits beside you- do you want to
it would make me feel better
but as soon as we get done I'm leaving
-frowns- why
are we fxcking or not
yes -takes your shirt off-
-bites my lip and kisses you while taking your shirt off-
-bites lip- fxck I forgot again-kisses you
-kisses you- here let me make it better -holds you dìck and kisses you- did that help
-takes pants off and kisses down your body-
I got some stuff for you today😏
oooo what 😊
I love them
well I got them for you so
what's wrong
nothing don't worry about it
well if your pìssed then later you'll be more pìssed
please talk to me😭😭😭😭
-starts crying-
can we talk please
Cody ily
hey Cody can we go to my room😏
hey Cody. I need to tell you something
I messed up. I want him back. It's to late. He'll never want me back. I bet he's already got another girl. She's probably rly pretty. Prettier than I could ever be
it's about you
oh ok
your the best guy ever. I'm sry I mess up so much. I love you to the moon and back. I wish we could talk more Cody your fr all i have. ily c. sweet dreamβ€οΈπŸ’•
is she ur gf