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like you have no idea how depressing blu can be and then star just comes in and fixes everything ❤️
i wish i could share with you guys my trashy tegan edit
i wa n t to donoutfits :)
yeah but i can’t make an acc cause my parents will see :// they strict
Thea sat on the floor lousy drinking from a cup
oh that makes sense... I made a Vimeo thing and then deleted it
hehe i’m proud of the quote
ok now to do stiles and marie shsbsns
you okay?
imma do tengen just cuz 😊
what does that mean?
I’m a ball of mixed emotions. something parents call “teens” 😂
jk jk
I’m fine
ok 👌🏼
Julian was drunk and sitting next to Thea both drowning in their sorrows
star tripped on nothing falling hard on her face
Grey was one of the few sober kids.
few? I think there were many sober kids
I’m sure cc wasn’t trying to be rude..
I know I was joking🙃
oh okay 👌🏼😂
I forget that we are typing sometimes so if I say things that come out like I’m being rude or hurt I’m just playing around
are you serious ;-; i just remixed something and it didn’t remix
what was it
anyway i don’t feel like remaking it
Huh wdym I was being rude
u even pût a 😂 emoji next to what u said
oh I was joking when you laughed at Star falling
tegan walked in with an increasing headache, why was she here if she knew she was just going drink more anyway? // marie had walked in previously and stood by the food because for once she was hungry :) // stiles danced really badly to some All Get Out from his own earbuds.
Julian died.
n o
star stands up and looks around seeing if anyone saw her fall
all the ships are dying
Julian doesn’t die.
wippity wo ôhow bout we not
oh it wasn’t her falling I was laughing at the teen comment thing cuz I can relate
okie good
“You better tsk,” Ten asks
what happened to everyone else? it’s only like the same 5 people rping on here😂
idk 🤷♀️
if people are already drunk from just being at the party for 5 minutes i’m 😂
which I don’t have a problem with it’s just there were so many other characters
oh okay😂👍
Although Julian was so drunk he broke his cello.
Valerie tumbled around
uh oh
Grey uncomfortably sat in the corner.
“hey! has anyone seen a mouse around here?” star yells standing on a chair trying to look around
tegan glances at ten and rolled her eyes. “yeah- except for this raging headache.” // marie looked at julian and then his cello- “are you...?” // stiles continued dancing, it was horrible someone make him stop
Thea watched Julian, “Jules...You must be really drunk...” || “nEvEReRER!” Julian giggled and spun around
“hApPY? wHy yEs mA’am.” Julian bowed to Marie
“Do you remember anything?” Ten asks
star was about to saw something more when she falls off of the chair landing on top of stiles
“ahh!” star looks at stiles then blushes “oh my-I’m so sorry”
marie just looked at him, an amused smile on her face. “oh you’re wasted, julian.” // tegan groaned as her head pounded, “i can’t remember anything until i have a recovery drink.”
“oof-“ stiles falls and his earbuds fall out. “it’s fine.”
“Oh gosh, like what you said and did to me?” Ten asks
“Hello Grey! I guess we meet again,” Valerie smiles
star stands up and helps stiles up too “why am I so clumsy?” she asks mostly to herself “you okay?” she asks stiles
tegan turned around to face ten. “did i punch you or something? if so i’m not sorry.”
okay- imma start some drAmA. a or b?
marie rolls her eyes and laughs. “and why are you so “happy”?” // stiles nods, “yeah you?”
a or b?
break the system!
“bEcAuse I fEEl fReEE,” Julian giggles.
one includes a hospital one doesn’t
no hospital
marie looks over at his broken cello and her smile drops. “julian..” she looks away from the cello but see’s how “happy” he is so she decides to leave it alone for a bit
star runs the back of her neck embarrassed “yeah I think so, just my egos damaged. I’m star by the way!” she extends her hand for him to shake
“lOvE yOu hUn.” Julian smiles and drinks more.
stiles shakes her hand and smiles politely. “stiles.”
I feel like the hospital situation would be more dramatic..
marie’s face goes red and she just looks at him. “you are so wasted.” she mutters.
“well stiles it’s nice to meet you. I just wish we could’ve met on different circumstances.” star says looking towards the broken chair “stupid chair...”
you pick
stiles looks over at the chair and then laughs. “welp.”
Julian sings the abcs.
also I made it a thing now in other rps I’m in that stars enemy are chairs.
Thea heard a faint gunshot. “What was that?” Thea mumbled and walked outside the cabin.
marie grabs a cup of water and gives it to julian. “it’s vodka, try it.” she smiles and kisses his cheek before walking to a table and sitting down to draw
tae sat in the corner, making his own lemonade station
h e y
“so what were you listening to before I kinda fell on you?” star asks rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet
“I’m more of a wine person,” Julian muttered and pretended to poured it onto the floor.
“uhhhh... All Get Out.” stiles answered. ( i almost put peter wth )
Mor glanced out the cabin window, she saw a red humanbeing, it’s skin was the color of blood, it wore loosely black clothes, and a white masquerade mask strapped on over his face.
“did you hear that?” star asked her face growing with concern
“Julian drink it.” maries says from her table. “or i’ll sell your..” she looks over at his cello. “your um cat?”
stiles shook his head, “no..”
Thea freaked out, “My goodness,” She ran back inside. “Everyone hide and be quiet.” Thea says and dives under her bed.
tegan got herself a drink
“I don’t have a cat.” Julian says .
“that!” star says referring to what Thea was talking about
“Oh-,” Ten said he walked away. “Good to know.”
“guys - look out the window,” Mor said, her voice laced with warning. she clenched her fists, and looked around, the red human, disappeared and appeared even closer to the cabin.
we are living a horror film
marie pulls julian down under the counter // tegan hides in a room? // stiles stands there like a dummy
tae hid under the bed, he muttered prayers, “oh lord of the lord of the lord and so forth,”
Grey sprinted outside the cabin and into the woods using the back door.
Valerie screamed and ran
the red human banged on the windows, Mor jumped back and shrieked.
welcome back cc
“come on!” star says pulling at the sleeve of his shirt “we need to hide” star leads him behind a table by a window
Thea clutched her violin for comfort
the red human smiled, revealing crooked teeth, “give me,” they whispered, voice raspy, “5, only 5, people of this camp. and I shall let the rest of the camp live,” they whispered
stiles stumbles when star pulls his sleeve
tegan coughs
marie holds her breath
star holds her breath not daring to move
thank you lyds
Thea comes out from under her bed. “Five? That’s...alot of people.”
Ten goes under a desk if
Julian stands up.
tegan looks at thea, like wth are you doing. “thea - get the hèłł down!”
marie pulls julian back down
“would you like one of them to be you?” the red human said, they looked around, they pointed one long thin finger at Valerie, “her.” they said, they pointed another finger to tegan, “her.”
star starts rambling to herself “he already knows we’re hear so no point in hiding...”
“I wAnnA let tHe rEd mAn iN fOr tEa!” He says deliriously.
star jumps out hoping to cause a distraction...but falls
the red human disappeared and appeared in front of the cabin door, he kicked it down with a light kick, “pathetic.” it muttered, the red human grinned.
tegan stops, her heart dropping.
she trips over a fallen table right in front of the man
marie slaps a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet.
“sIr wOuld yOu cAre fOr sOme tEa?” Julian asked
“Eh Eh Eh,” Valerie whimpered
“julian shut up-“ marie spat.
the red human looked down at Star, they smiled, “ring around the Rosie,” it mumbled, the red human looked at Star, “get up.”
stars face goes white with terror as she tries backing up
“tHat wAsnT vEry niCe!” Julian frowned
tegan looked at thea, wondering what the red human meant when they pointed at the two.
The red human, looked at Julian. “Tea?” they spat, “Five people. I give you 5 minutes to choose you sacrifices.” The red human disappeared with a wave.
star stumbles to her feet. no point in staying down at a disadvantage point
Mor looked at the red human, “that’s a lost cause,,” she mumbled,
star couldn’t hold it in any longer. she screamed
Thea exhaled and grabbed her medical kit. “Is anyone injured?” Thea called.
marie shot julian a look. // tegan stood there // stiles stood there
“I wAnNa gO wiTh tHe rEd Man!” Julian exclaimed
tae was frightened, he sat on the edge of the bed. “uh uh what’s happening?”
Grey was already a mile away from camp
“okay okay okay okay” star talks like she’s going crazy “we can’t stay here. we can’t fight. we can’t run...”
“Okay we have a sacrifice, Julian. Now four more,” Mor said, “who’s willing to go?”
Valerie stood there frozen
Ten didn’t know what to do
teagan shrugged, “what do i have in life anyway.. i’ll go.”
Thea shook her head. “Let him pick randomly it’s only fair.”
The red human appeared by the window, waiting patiently, “3 more minutes,” it whispered
marie looked at julian. “no. you are not going.”
“I wANna hAve tEa wiTh hIm!” Julian exclaimed happily
marie slapped him. “gEt sObEr!”
star stood finally coming to her senses “ARE YOU ALL CRAZY?!”
Thea bit her nails nervously
“you aren’t actually going to let him kill 5 of us right?” star asked
the red human grinned at Thea’s suggestion, “of course.. it’s only fair.” the red human looked at Julian, “your coming,” the red human said, they looked at Valerie and stiles, “Your coming,” The red human pointed to tae, “Your coming,” the red human looked at Star lastly, “and your coming.”
tegan looked at star, “would you rather get sacrificed? no. i thought so. do you have any other better ideas?”
marie stepped up, “he’s drunk and useless. don’t take him.”
“from the looks of it. I am being sacrificed” star said
“HUH WHY ME! Please-“ Valerie whimpered
“Jules..” Thea muttered, “I can replace him? Uh...He got into Harvard and I know he wants to go.” Thea says
“I chose already, no turning back.” the red human said, amused. “now go, and take your useless life elsewhere.”
tegan walked up to the red human. “is there anyway we can settle this. any other way?”
“No- I’ll go instead of her,” Ten says for Tegan for Star.
star didn’t freak out as much as the others. instead she stepped outside looking for the man
The red human looked at Ten, “We can make it 6 humans, Your coming along.” The red human said, walking out the door.
“No, take me, I’m stronger and will be a better sacrifice,” Ten says
Julian randomly got sober and stepped outside
“Liek as in instead of her not both of us,” Ten sighs
The man snapped his fingers like the Thanos fan he is, and Ten, Valerie, Star, Tae, Stiles, And Julian all appeared to be transported to a cage, on a train.
Thea sighed and watched the people leave the cabin.
star follows him out “what will you do with us?”
tegan broke a glass bottle and striked it at the red human. “Hey a**hôle! you can’t just take people.”
d a n g
blu runs in the room cause I forgot about him😅
Julian leaned against the wall. “I lived a decent life,” Julian grumbled
The man looked at Tegan, he grabbed her wrist and flipped her to the ground, he grabbed a shard of glass and cut her wrist, “don’t strike at elders,” it whispered softly, and slapped her hard.
“what just happened?! where’s star!”
tae looked around in the cage, “huh what??” he said, freaking out, trying to pry himself out of the cage.
“Six of them are gone,” Thea stared at the wall blankly. “Gone,”
star ran up to tegan “don’t do that!” she said pulling her away from the monster
tegan cringed, the cut and hit replacing the pain in her head. her wrist was bleeding out a lot now.
blu fell to the ground. he didn’t know what to say
marie got up, “aren’t we going to do something?” she asked thea.
star stood between tegan and him trying to protect her
blu stood up “we have to!”
Julian though quickly and ripped a part of his shirt off and wrapped Tegan’s wrist.
tegan reaches for the glass bottle with her good hand and gripped it right.
“Do What?” Thea asked, “Their dead.”
the red human prude Julian and threw him into the cage, “say your goodbyes.” he said cheerfully
“we don’t know that!” Blu yelled
tegan pulled her wrist away from julian and got up. she held the broken bottle to her side.
marie ignored thea and ran out to try to stop the red human.
“what do you want from us?!!” star screamed
Ten and Valerie sat
“I do,” Thea says. “Atleast one of them, if not all of them.” Thea sobbed
blu followed
tegan striked at the man one last time.
“W-What did I do?” Julian asked.
“Your just going to die with them.” Thea says haunted.
star stood hoping for answers
what happened to everyone?
sal gone
hi sorry
:// um well
idk what’s rly going on it just became so fantasy like all of a sudden-
yeah i thought there wasn’t supposed to be powers on this rp
yeah me too...
I mean I had a plan..non fantasy but this is funnerr
lEts hEaR
I guess yO u n e v e r k n o w
m w a h a h a
what do we do now
should we act like the Thanks thing didn’t happen...
i mean sure
mmm not restart just the party ig
star fell
things are back to normal 😂
Logan hasn’t been on all day☹️
oh no- I hope she’s okay...
a murderer is on campus and no one knows who it is
tegan sat by herself at the table and drank her recovery drink of bourbon // marie fell asleep on the couch // stiles danced like an idiot cause that’s what he does
wait really?
and ohh
Logan comes on late sometimes 🤷♀️
yeah hopefully
yeah she comes on late so let’s hope she does
Julian was drunk and smashed his cello. || Thea slowly drank her cup of wine because she didn’t wannt to get drunk
“Nice Dance,” Valerie laughs to Stiles
should we do the murder mystery thing?
marie woke up with a start and her eyes widened when she saw what julian has just done. “you- your cello..”
how about we wait for a little bit and see if anyone else comes on
“What is a cello?” Julian asked
sure 👌🏼
stiles pulled up his sunglasses and grinned a toothy grin. “i know.” he said sarcastically
you know what we should do
Grey sat in a corner sacred
marie blinked. “your love of your life.” she said, trying to get him to remember
“ThAtS yOu,” Julian laughed
have like an actual party where everyone gets drunk and has a good time and we play 7 min in Heaven truth or dare spin the bottle and if you want you can go with a date. but from the looks of it most people will be going alone
“Well that’s so fascinating because I dance like that too,” Valerie says as she dances weirdly
marie stopped breathing. “no. no. you’re drunk. you love your cello way more than me. and you’re smashing her to bits.”
because the vibe here is so depressing
it would help lighten things up
“I’m not sure what a cello is?” Julian questioned
tegan frowned as she notice the thing on her forearm is still not gone. “i must not be sober..” // stiles grinned and started dancing. “i still dance worse than you!”
the reason why I wanna do the murder mystery is to switch things up from us always playing games
but think about it. when everyone is drunk and playing stupid games and there is no murders or anything it can actually be a good time
I get that
“Mmhmmm,” Valerie says doing the wave.
I just want to try and lighten the mood cause everything seems so...eh
marie’s jaw drops. “do you know your name? do you know who i am? do you know where we are?”
we haven’t had the whole murder thing aT all during this rp
“I Am....” Julian paused. “Cassie.”
who would be murdered
random people
stiles tries orange justin
no ones character
like our oc’s or bystanders
oh okay
orange Justin 😂
“Oh gosh, I lose,” Valerie says attempting the shoot.
imma make that a dance move now just for you😂👍
marie laughed, “oh my gosh you’re drunk, julian!! cassie is your cello that you’re currently destroying.”
stiles laughs.
“Your funny,” Julian giggles hysterically
star stood alone staring at her hand
marie stood laughing. “you shouldn’t be drinking. you just had surgery.”
“what’s surgery?” Julian asked.
tegan grumpily walked out and into the woods.
marie gaped at him. “you- you need water.” she said.
Thea drinks alittle so she wouldn’t get too drunk and posted stuff on her Snapchat story
“Pfft, you need water.” Julian says
“So- haven’t found anyone yet?” Valerie asks
blu sat at a table and...woo hoo...drank
Ten sat and was sad. The girl he liked had kissed him and liked him- but had forgotten all those emotions
see everyone is depressed!
something good needs to happen
marie shook her head. “do you even know who i am? i’m not drunk and am always well hydrated. you on the other hand are drunk and needs to hydrate.” // stiles shook his head, “nOpe- but i plan to be a single pringle.” // tegan stopped in the middle of the wood and realized she was lost. “s***”
hm...your very positive star 😂
awe ten :(
“Mmm- me too,” Valerie smiles. “Beer?” She extends a cup for him.
Julian sighed and stumbled outside the cabin.
stiles shakes his head, “nO tHanks.”
Grey hated the party; he left the party.
marie wondered if she should go after him.
Julian goes into cardiac arrest.
tegan looked for any familiar trees but nothing seemed familiar. she sighed and sat there in the middle of the woods.
w a i t wh at
thank you😂
star dies
marie gave up on trusting julian’s drunk a** outside and went out there. “julian?-“
what no
positivity killed her
Thea was on the verge of death but she had half of a sandwich yesterday soOo.
Julian didn’t respond.
stiles threw a pretzel bag at thea. “EAT FOOD GOD DNAG IT”
should I start my rp... soon... when... today?
or today
“More for me!” Valerie says drinking it. “You’ll take cigs instead huh.”
oh okay
I won’t rly be on tmrw so idk
Thea dodged the food. “dOnT bULLy mE.”
then we have a whole day and plus more people will be on
Julian has 5 minutes left
oh awe
we can multitask rps?
ah that’s tru I’ll try to have it tmrw
will we multitask?
let’s multitask rps
star lives
depression woke her up
marie grabs for julian’s phone and calls 911 and tell them why they were before doing cpr.
whatever you want 🤷♀️
mm imma do it rn then 😊
Julian stays unconscious.
tegan sits in the woods and cries // stiles nods, “yep the smoksie broski.”
“julian you can’t do this. you can’t go.” marie says frantically, continuing cpr until the ambulance arrived and first aid.
Thea steps outside when she heard sirens, “Woah...Cardiac surgery?” Thea asked and walked closer.
Julian was still alive but not dead
Ten runs through the woods and then trips over Tegan and then gets scared because he thought it was a ghost
Marie looked at thea, her face full of concern. “I shouldn’t have let him drink.” she moves out of the way so they could get julian into the ambulance.
tegan looked up and saw ten and quickly wiped her eyes. “what the hèłł?” her voice was hoarse
“Hm...That’s not your fault.” Thea says. “I want in on this surgery though.” Thea muttered
“What the heck! I thought you were a ghost!” Ten yells
marie looked at thea, “what? will they even let you?” // tegan just looks at ten. “what are you doing here?”
“I was running because I have lots on my mind!” Ten yells
“Yeah, I work half time as an intern.” Thea says. “I mean hopefully,”
“why are you yelling at me?” tegan asked.
marie nods, “well-“ she gets into the ambulance and waits for thea to join.
“He’s an idiot.” Thea says and stared at Julian. “Who drinks 24 hours after surgery?”
marie looks at thea and then at julian. “i don’t know..”
“Because- I don’t know,” Ten says scratching the back of his neck.
tegan hides her face because she’ll start crying again. “yeah- sounds like a lot on your mind.” she says sarcastically.
“You are on my mind,” Ten sighs
The paramedics do some scans and look at his heart. “He’s bleeding again,” one of them muttered.
tegan looks at him. she doesn’t care if he notices she’s crying. “why?” she asks. not even trying to sound like she’s all tough anymore. she’s hiding her forearm // maries heart stops and she looks at the paramedics. “he’ll be alright though? right? you guys can just go through another surgery?”
“He’s too weak for surgery right now.” One says. “Maybe In 24 hours?”
“Because when you were drunk it seemed the only thing you wanted to do was make out with me...” Ten says. “And we did like um- four times.”
marie looks at them. “he could die in 24 hours. will he even be able to hold on for 24 hours?!”
tegan glares at ten. “well i’m sorry that i do stupid things when i’m drunk, okay? is that what you wanted to hear?” she sniffs.
“Not sure,we’ll see.” On says.
“you’ll see?! and what if he doesn’t? what if he doesn’t make it 24 hours?! what happens?” maries practically yelling.
“Then he’s dead.” One says. “It happens all the time Ma’am.”
marie freezes up at the word; dead. how hideous that word was. “no..” she muttered, looking down at julian who was unconscious
A paramedic rolls her eyes, “Book and or before that girl starts having a heart attack.” The paramedic says
book and or?
(book an operating room)
ohh duh
“it’s marie.” she says. “the girl has a name.”
wow stuff happened 😬
I was playing the wii with my family😂
also I just remembered I have 100 pages of homework due Tuesday
Julian goes into an or and gets operated upon The begs to scrub in.
where did everyone go
tegan glares at ten. “well i’m sorry that i do stupid things when i’m drunk, okay? is that what you wanted to hear?” she sniffs.
“Mmm- no it wasn’t but now I know, thanks,” Ten sighs.
tegan looks up, her face full of tears. “t-then what did you want to hear?” she asked. she looked down at the bottle of alcohol she had and threw to her side, she felt so messed up.
“That you liked me back-“ Ten says. “But it’s fine.” Then he ran off
tegan felt so light head, that she couldn’t even register what he had said. everything became a blur and the ground titled abruptly, leaving her unconscious.
Ten realized he shouldnMr have left a drunk girl alone and raced back to find her unconciosu. “TEGAN!”
tegan didn’t respond, in fact she wasn’t even breathing. her forearm was completely exposed now and showed her small compass tattoo ( idk )
dId Cc lEaVe
oh nVM
Ten’s wrist had a pain staking sharp sensation as he looked onto his wrist he saw a compass tattoo deeply in his skin. He realized that it had happened. He looked down at Tegan. More of her wrist actually and realized she had it too. Soulmate. He couldn’t let it go through him right that instance because Tegan was unconscious. He carried Tegan and back to the grou
yOu pUlLed a lOnG lYDiA rEspONse
Tegan was still unconscious and if she didn’t start breathing in the next five minutes she may be dead.
“Someone help!” Ten said laying her down on a couch and frantically looking down at her. “ANYONE?!”
It was weird, Tegan could heat what was going on but could process it. Maybe she should just let herself rest.
Ten gave up on someone else’s help and gave her CPR because he didn’t know what else to do as he called 911
*hear couldn’t i fail at typing
Tegan coughed, her eyes fluttering open. she caught her breath and took gasping breaths of air.
Ten hugged her in relief
Tegan tensed up when he hugged her and pulled back to get up. “..i need a drink.” she muttered, her head hurting and she wasn’t exactly stable yet.
“Don’t get a drink, you passed out!” Ten says.
Tegan frowns at him. “You can’t tell me what to do- plus i’m pretty sure i passed out from exhaustion.”
“Um no, and I’m pretty much stuck with you,” Ten says pointing at her wrist.
“What?” tegan asks looking down at her wrist. “How is this still here?”
“I have the same exact tattoo,” Ten says showing her his wrist
Tegan looked at Tens wrist and her heart skipped a beat and she really did not like that it did. “You think you’re so funny- yea great idea Ten!” she grabs a paper towel and tries to wash the tattoo off “Draw a stupid tattoo on a drunk-“ she stops because it’s not coming off.
“Mmm, I don’t even like to draw,” Ten face palms. “I can’t draw.”
Tegan stops and looks at Ten. “Exactly what happened when i was completely wasted?”
“I ran back here and gave you CPR,” Ten says
tegan shook her head, “no not that night- the other night.”
“Oh- hm- you kept asking me to make out with you. And I made out with you like 4 times I think,” Ten says
tegan groaned and grabbed a spare bottle of vodka. “of course i did..” she muttered before opening the bottle.
“Oh gosh,” Ten says grabbing the bottle and placing it on a table far away.
“hey!” tegan says defensively. “being sober is exhausting- can i just have that back please.”
“No,” Ten says
Tegan looks at Ten. “You are the most infuriating person! you know that? i’m perfectly fine- i can make my own decisions. so stop trying to pretend to care about me!”
“Mmm, I’m not pretending,” Ten says
tegan scoffs, “everyone does so don’t play dumb.”
“No I’m not,” Ten says
tegan looks at ten and frowns, “what do you mean?” she asks quietly, he couldn’t mean that he actually liked her- or enjoyed her company.
“I like you Stark,” Ten says. “I really do.”
tegan just stares at him, her eyes watering - she could start crying and she doesn’t know why. “don’t tire lying to me- please. i’ve had too many people come into my life and then just throw me out.. “ tears start rolling down her cheeks.
“I’m not lying to you, and I won’t throw you out. I don’t throw things out usually anyways,” Ten smiles and hugs her
tegan doesn’t hug back, instead she pushes him off of her, putting on a pretend angered face. “i didn’t give you permission to hug me.” she said, before pulling him into a kiss.
Ten kisses her back and is internally surprised and happy
she pulls back to catch her breath, her heart beating fast and loud. she wondered if her could hear it. “why me?” she asks.
“You’re sharp, clever, different, beautiful, and unique,” Ten says. “And really honest.”
tegan looks at him, a smile on her face which really isn’t common unless she was drunk.
“Look, and you smile so brightly too,” Ten says
tegan quickly stops smiling and rolls her eyes. “i do not smile brightly.”
“It’s a smile that makes me want to smile as well,” Ten smiles
“you really don’t want me to kiss you if you keep making cheesy remarks.” tegans says, crossing her arms
“Mmmm, Okay then,” Ten says and kisses her
tegan kisses him back, placing a hand on his cheek.
Ten puts his hand around her waist and the other on the back of her hair
tegan kisses him more , his lips and touch felt familiar - probably from when she was wasted