Plz help me


Plz help me

20 3
be nice to her
and ask her if u can help her with anything
I’ve done that but she still yells at me. I’ve been nice to her for the past 2 weeks
ok sounds good
i'm seriously so sorry, i actually do understand how it feels when it's like the whole world is against you and i'll do anything i can to help❤️
thanks guys
I can give you some advice try and think about what. you did when you woke up, maybe just think what does my mum like, if u have done something she doesn’t like even if it isn’t wrong go down and tell her that you’re sorry you did that thing and say I like doing that thing but if it annoys you then I need to stop because I want you to be
it happens a lot to me so I know it feels
I'm so sorry to hear that
I love you and your my best friends and I hope you feel better
thanks everyone
you know what would make your mom stop being mean to you just give her a hug and kiss and tell her that you love her no matter what
and trust me it will make her feel calm
alright. I’ll do that when she wakes up
do you feel better
it's supposed to make you feel better
in our country it's were every thing started it was the first country ever
I’m so sorry u have to deal with this. ily💕💕💕