Peep the comments for my śhít day :')


Peep the comments for my śhít day :')

31 5
so I kinda had a mental breakdown beside my friend on the bus for a number of reasons
I didn't get any sleep
today was pajama day (as it's spirit week) so I wore my onesie and I got made fun of
my girlfriend is having suicidal thoughts, is really stressed and cried in my arms at lunch so I'm really worried for her (also any advice to say to her, she won't listen to me)
onsies are sickk as frick and I hope she feels better soon
-onesies are the beeeest. I think that you should just remind her of all of the joy that she brings to you and how it feels to be without her {I'm sorry if that sounds like a bad idea, I'm mostly bad at this kind of stuff}
its Simon Lewis
That sounds horrible! Just know that your followers are always here for you and will always support you❤️