I'm out of books to read so if you could recommend some in the comments I'd really appreciate it


I'm out of books to read so if you could recommend some in the comments I'd really appreciate it

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we were liars by e. lockhart and I'll give you the sun by jandy Nelson
I could give you so many books to read lol I know a lOt of good books
americanah by chimamanda ngozi adichie
the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe
Starters by Lissa Price, The Door of No Return by Mussi, The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda, Playlist for the Dead by Michelle Falkoff, My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga,
Whoops thats a lot
"A darker shade of magic" is good. or "Will save the galaxy for food"
rp// No problem! ^^
me too it's great and gay
Alanna the first adventure by Tamora Pierce (it's part of a series but here's the first book ;))
sources of light by margaret mcmullin is good, as well as moon over manifest by clare vanderpool
and if u havent read them yet-my sisters keeper, me and earl and the dying girl, the book thief, and the perks of being a wallflower. theyre someone of my favorites
also graphic novels lol-roller girl, sunny side up, el deafo, any raina tellemgers
and the giver, one for the murphys, the promise of amazing, untwine, unwind, matched, angus thongs and full frontal snogging, and out of my mind. a lot of these are my all time favorites as well
and i heard the outsiders is good too
alright thats my rant gn
no problem aha if u want more im always here lol
thank you so much 💕💕