quarantine boredom kicking my aśs, let’s pretend to fall in love till it’s over


quarantine boredom kicking my aśs, let’s pretend to fall in love till it’s over

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can i pretend to fall in love with the dude taking the picture? 😳
hey I’m myah
heyo i'm delilah
oh i’m sure he would, i’m a pretty cool gal
it’s nice to meet you, how are you?
your caption jus went and summed up my last two weeks 😔
but that last part wouldn't be too bad 😳
why thank you x and hey, i ain't complainin' 😌
oh i definitely think he’s the right hands though and i don’t know if you deserve to see how cool i am
hm, well most certainly being there CEO of multitasking if i do say so myself - working on online homework, listening to music, watching netflix, and talking to friends while i also make new ones aha, how about yourself ash?
i know, poor you
hope you don’t go crying tonight :(
oh i know you will. i bet you’re a tough boy so you got this
unless you’re a little baby
well if today is one of those days where you’re a little baby i guess i could let you see my coolness
don’t want to seem rude
pretty good just super tired
oh is that you saying you don’t want to see my coolness?
that’s fine, my new boyfriend can just keep all of it
aha, it's ok. maybe one day 😌 but until then i'll be more than happy to help x
ouch man that hurt :(
what music you listening' to?
you’re missing out on a bunch, i promise
I’m debating on it because I was going to maybe watch a show
i might let you get a taste of it if my boyfriend says it’s okay :)
that's cool, got a favorite song off it?
the society, on Netflix. Someone recommended it so I thought I’d give it a try
oh goodness you’re dirty
it only sounded bad if you thought of it like that 😳
we’ll both have to watch it and see what we think about it
don’t know how to feel after that 😳
I’ll probably start it tomorrow
tell me why i thought for the slightest second you were telling me to save my tears 🤦🏽‍♀️
buh i never heard of it, imma have to listen to it sometime
sounds legit tho, specially coming' from the guy i may or may not be pretending to fall in love with during this quarantine 😌
aha, jk... unless 👀
I forgot I have a book report due tomorrow and I haven’t even checked out the book😂
only someone special can get a taste 😳😳
I think I’ve read the book before but I’m not to sure
yeahh, i get that a lot. but i appreciate the fact you noticed 😁
oh dang
i mean i wouldn’t complain if you were that someone special 😳😳
what if i’m not playing 😳
I looked at the assignment and I actually have until Monday
jus outta curiosity, what time is it for you ashton? because don' matter di you're ahead, behind, on time with me, but i think it's very late for you and you should get you beauty sleep mister
right! I was getting kinda worried
that’s the plan 🙃
oh no:( are they easy though
maybe i should stop ;)
hm, same here. why the decisions to stay up so late> if you don't mind me asking ofc
ohh noooo, well I hope you can finish all of them!
kinda want to tease you
aha, well ever since official quarantine i've jus stayed up catching up on netflix shows, watching tik toks, and b$'ing throughout the night. and sometimes jus thinkin. but let's just thank god tonight aint one of the thinkin nights 🤧
oops my bad
i’ll stop now :)
cool it down some
i might start back up again, we’ll just have to see
yeah, aha, somethin' like that
it’ll definitely be a surprise
heyy i’m noah
hmm well now that all this sexual tension is gone you should tell me about yourself :)
Heyo I’m ari :)
caption >>>
nice to meet you ash I love your name :,) how are ya?
I like your handwriting btw
you’re very welcome and thank you :,) that’s good to hear, I’m doing alright just trying to stay entertained lol
my pleasure and wow that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received, thank you very much 😳
ps I like your beanie & ring & nail polish
my pleasure :,) and we’ll you definitely deserve them x if it’s too much I could stop 🤧
yes I think so & no problem ash
what are you up to ? 😎
anything you want to tell me :)
hey there ash, what’s up
LA huh? very cool. and wow any boy that plays the guitar is automatically 10x cuter
hm let’s see i’m 17, i have 3 siblings and i’m the second youngest, im from illinois, and i like to bake and cook :))
sounds like fun
lol thanks, i’m a fan of yours too ash
still trying? danggg on a Friday night? 🥺 you poor thing
I was listening to some music and fiddling lmaoo but now I’m just chilling :,)
doodling **
yo, it's the boi ashton - long time no see huh
how’s those assignments go?
mhm yummy
and honestly i like baking anything but my favorite would probably have to be cake pops :)
ahh well that makes sense now, honestly sounds like something I would do
I was doodling some flowers and animals and stuff lmaoo I’ve been painting a lot recently but I’ve gotten bored of that now too
ok I wouldn’t say I’m ~that much~ it’s just a hobby I’m definitely not Picasso
I mean I did paint some shoes the other day butttt I’m still average
aw don’t fret, I can share some of my skill with you
it is pretty cool i know :)
told you i was cool
awe how come?
i felt that, I could be reading my book but I’m on my phone instead
yeah it was my first time painting shoes, it took forever
you’re just now seeing it? crazy
i've been pretty good, catching up on sleep the whole day. how about you ?
you can see all of it if you can handle that
hi I’m McKinnley :))
I painted some sunflowers and little bumble bees lol
sure you can handle it?
thank you thank you and yeah :) I’m pretty happy with how they turned out
nice meeting you.. how’re you ?
a bit tired ,, besides that I’m good :)
you’re gonna have a lot of fun with my coolness :)
if you want, I could show you a pic of them?
you should definitely tell me more about yourself because i don’t think that you’re a middle child and that you live in LA is enough
what’s LA like?
you really think so? 🥺 thank you :,))
you’re being so nice 🤧
it doesn’t? that’s sad. i want to go so bad. i just want to go to california in general
have you been to any other parts of california?
loll because you gave them so many compliments I don’t think they are ~that~ good
but I appreciate your kind words :,)
haha well it means a lot, what are you up to ash? x
that’s where i want to go :(
i’m just gonna move there
have you been to the santa monica pier?
you got me extra jealous now
i’ve seen pictures of the pier and it’s so pretty there
who are you listening to? or what song? I’m looking for a snack because I’m getting hungryyy
ooh nice, you have good taste
hmm so get a snack, I think I’m gonna have some cereal
if i fly down right now can we sneak in 😔
who cares if it’s closed
what kind ?
i better be the only one you’re down to break laws with
i’m so down for that
there’s only one correct answer
fruit loops? no me gusta 😔
look at me, i’m special
es mi menos favorito :( me gusta lucky charms
or Frosted Flakes >>
I’m in shock
i guess you’re kinda special too
the most excited place is obviously chicago
and the river is nice and just walking around the city
it’s very fun
no no it’s ok 😌
i love any city if i’m being honest
I just never met anyone that didn’t like either one 😦
i know that’s why i want to go so bad
i told you i’m flying out right now
3:52, way past my bedtime
ahh I understand
hey i’m caspian
you’re keeping me up :)
that’s a tough question 🥺 I like any kinda of pasta dish, but if I had to choose it would be penne all’s vodka or chicken parm :,)
noo it’s okay
i enjoy talking to you :))
ok good good, I was getting concerned
I also love spaghetti and meatballs, THERES so many different ways to have pasta
wow ignore my sense it I’ve keyboard
yes you should not complain
i’m staying up just for you :)
oh you definitely are
super special
what’s up pal
he just won’t find out ;)
unless you’re going to tell on me
aww 🥺
man that really boosted my confidence for some reason
same. this quarantine shįtt be on a whole another level of boring
i guess it’s confirmed that i like being called bad
mm you probably do not want to know the answer to that sir
okie take a wild guess
hi I’m maci & I really like the dash marks around your name(: very powerful- just thought you should know
and when exactly will that later be?
you’re going to keep me on my toes
i’m extra curious now on what you were going to say
aw well thank you 😚 I try veryy hard on them - glad you find them creative
oh so will you say it privately?
you are correct
gracias mi amigo (: yellow is quite da happy color
i think i would
lol my beauty sleep? hmm well I wasn’t really tired and I was talking to someone soo
helll yeah. you play any video games?
dâmn ashton you really gotta do me like that
mm I’ll get some soon don’t worry
what time is it for you sir?
yes I completely agree
my fav color
2k20 right now , occasionally i’ll hop on “the show 20”
hm fine i’ll go to sleep
sleep good :))
ooh a west coaster and lolll goodnight Ashton
here I’ll hit you with a like before I crash
those emojis are beautiful
what’re you up too?
2k20 live asf
especially when i play against the boys
my pleasure :)
well hi there :)
i’m laying in bed trying my best not to fall back asleep
you kept me up very late
yeah you should man
I’m about to start some work :( and I’m listening to music as well, what about you?
watching Netflix
hi ashypoo
shush don’t apologize
i like talking to you :)
hm good :)
i just got out of the shower what about you?
how are yaa ((:
wow we’re both super exciting
it was very boring. i seriously slept in till two and only got out of bed to eat food
yea I could say the same I thinkk - I hope that fine isn’t a sad bummed fine
ahh well that’s good to hear(: & eh ngl kinda more on the down side but it’s getting there
we can only do so much around the house
i feel like i’m about to die being stuck up in here
mm just some personal problems that’ll probably clear up soon , no worries
literally same, i’m going crazy
i’ve been out of my house once just to walk my dog
yea I thinkk(:
so whatcha up to
a french bulldog :))
she’s me baby
i just realized i said me instead of my but you got what i was saying aha
her name is luna :)
they’re the cutest let’s be real
wowie doin the exact same thing here (: struggling to stay awake tho
woah man that’s crazy
what kind of dog was she?
aww 🥺
i’ve always wanted a husky not gonna lie
man i might have to invest in one because i like cuddles
luna is only cuddly sometimes
maybe i will
do you have any dogs now? or was luna your only one?
oh yeah that must of been tough
i am not emotionally prepared for my baby to pass because i know i will be a hot mess
i’m just hoping that maybe she’s some magical dog and will live forever
hmm next subject now because if we keep talking about dogs dying i might go all sad on you
and i don’t know if you want to see that
i’d rather you handle happy me or any other me than sad me
oh yeah? you think so?
it feels so weird being called ma’am
i am not used to being called that
oh i don’t mind it i just don’t think i’ve ever been called it
might have to start calling you sir
i can’t have you enjoying something that much so maybe i won’t :)
might make you beg a little if you want it to happen
that might of been the plan
good 😳
maybe i should pull a you
we’ll save that for another time ;))
as you should
hurts doesn’t it?
hm i wouldn’t mind that 😳
oh dâmn
i wouldn’t object to that at all
you got me feeling some type of way now
haha thank you 😎
i’m waiting on you to do something about it though 😳
hi i’m delaney 😸
hey, you’re cuter
i might have to disagree with that one
how’re you?
yes i should
i’m just laying in bed, you?
same here just getting bored haha
hii i actually miss you a lot and i don’t know why :((
hi gorgeous :))
hey :) what’s up?
i am fantastic :)
how are you?
I’ve been doing pretty good, been busy with school. how about yourself?
hm alright is not good enough
i am great :)
I feel ya, it has been pretty stressful
hey ashton, i’m natalie :)
you’re the cutest what do you mean
hey again lol
school has been on my nerves
dxmn, imma steal that beanie:)
i strongly disagree :)
mhm super fantastic
how about you?
hm just alright?
why’s that?
aw i’m sorry :((
i hope things get better <33
i guess i’m doing alright. how are you?
I bettt *smirks*
hi ash