I'm so sorry for being absent! Idk so much work, they pulled on like 5 projects and I have parties and social life and etc! Also I'm writing (check that book out and I'll give u a spam of likes!) idk how was your day, mines b


ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES (CLICK) I'm so sorry for being absent! Idk so much work, they pulled on like 5 projects and I have parties and social life and etc! Also I'm writing (check that book out and I'll give u a spam of likes!) idk how was your day, mines b

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-mines been terrible so far
like my friend who never works is being over dramatic
she says everyone hates her and etc and is like too lazy to work and etc. and I'm just pulling my hair when she cries and asks for answers on homework
why does life suck?
omg I so feel you 😖
life is just ughhhh
Ikr, it just sucks like so much. like I don't honestly care for the work but when u add social stuff and people and dramatic stuff than yeah
exactly how I feel!!
I'm Party Planner for my homeschool group student council team and the person helping me out for the party TOMORROW is not even helping.. ugh..
ugh I totally get you. I hate school 😒
sorry I can't read the tap here but this edit is amazing and I can't wait for the movie!!!😍😍
I get you.*sighs* I guess that's what makes life interesting!!??