Collage by Raindowskyiscalm


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Masayuki: *hugs her* C-can I try t-to hel-help, n-Nia?
Masayuki:Nia, please don't worry I'm a super highschool level detective....N-now...p-please tell me what happened, exactly.
Masayuki:Was anyone in the room or the house with you?
Masayuki:There's no one in the house? Not Sean nor Kohana?
Masayuki:Okay, You go with Ashley or something while I search the house, okay?
Masayuki:It's safer to leave. I don't want you to go missing too.
Masayuki:Call me if something happens okay? *walks to the basement*
Masayuki:*looks around, on guard*
Masayuki:*ties him up and looks around, cult/gun that sends demons back to he double hockey sticks, in hand*
Masayuki:Breathing *serious tone* (my phones at 3% :( )
Masayuki:Let me ask the questions...
(Okay remix me!)