don’t peek pls :)


don’t peek pls :)

11 0
what did u wanna talk about :)
!! nothing in particular
just wanna socialise hehehe 😂
do you bother talking about your mental health? I just love helping people ❤️
are you alright! I’m here if you need anything btw
i don’t mind :)
i’m kinda alright??? idk tbh i’m scared 😂
well, is there any particular reason?
I mean if you feel that way it might be because of something idk 💞
ig I can help with that :)
i guess i’m scared i’m gonna kill myself? idk i just h8te the life i’m living. i did attempt it twice within the past week so that just great 😂 and i’ve been cutting myself a lot recently:/
(btw i joke about it as i find it as a coping strategy)
please don’t! people love you and just one’ love is the best feeling! idk if I’m being clear!?
thanks :)
you’re welcome! just remember, whenever you feel down remember: You are loved no matter what! ❤️
thanks :)
yw! :)
hi????????? 😂
what’s up? :)
hey! I’m doing good! hbu? 😅 heheheh
tired 😂
me too hahahah ❤️
how are you?
yesterday was eventful
i’m alright kinda sick though. You?
don’t worry! what happened? I saw a chapter you posted
I was about to comment on it! but I got deleted
I’m ok btw
uhh, i kinda tried to kill my self and chugged a bunch of pills… yeh i deleted it bc i didn’t really like it and i wasn’t in a good state so i wanted to look over it a couple times again bc yeh 😂
it’s great! did you really do that???? 💔💔
and i also attempted again tonight and i jumped infront of a car going 20mph, i’m fine just a grazed knee, and i passed out and i’m in the hospital now so that’s fantastic 😂
yup i did that… sorry im in a weird happy bit in pain kinda mood 😂
i honestly have no idea how i’m alive rn but yeh i am 😛
def understand
please stop trying to do that! 😞
no promises 😝
but i’m alowed to play music in the ward so i’m just like “i kissed a girl” on my phone with headphones 😂.like i’m happy i’m a live but i’m not happy i’m alive?? it’s confusing
i get it don’t worry 😉
hey…gotta go to sleep! good luck 🤞😪 please don’t try anything crazy 😝
thanks :))
il try 😂
yw! ❤️‍🩹
heyyy how are you doing?
i’m alright, my parents don’t know it was a suicide attempt but i’m fine, just sore knee… how r u?
but i can walk tho
I’m ok 👌 have you tried talking to someone about it. Parents..teachers, friends??
i have a counsellor but she’s a school one and we have a boarding house at my school (i don’t use it but people for china and stuff so) so she has to isolate if someone cats covid which is a lot so i never see her :/
ohhh what about ur parents?
yeh they found out i self harmed last year and gave me into trouble and that never helped any
yeh give ur child who’s harming theirself into trouble for doing it consequently making them feel worse than they already do
wow 😯
do they know about your suicide attempts?
well they know i’m suicidal… but they don’t know i’ve attempted it, they’ve never asked so i’ve never told 😝
oooh 😮 don’t you think you should tell them?
nope! they’ll just give me into trouble and then i won’t be able to go out AT ALL unless it’s school 😣
I understand
yeh ❤️
thanks for being here :)
ur welcome 😉
anything crazy today? 😛
nope, just self harmed after a one day streak but i’m fine :/
and met up with some friends
about it
oh great then?
sure?? i mean, not as bad as suicide but yeh 😛
i’m sorry if i’ve been worrying u with my mental health state! i’m going around telling people sorry in case i worried them or anything 😂
don’t worry
thanks :)