Collage by BabyAdoptions


39 1
Hi, I'm Leo. I'm looking to adopt but would like to discuss this with my girlfriend first. I just asking about how we would adopt the babies? And if we would have to apply? You stated we cannot ask to adopt straight away? How do you mean?... Please reply back with all information needed please. Thanks and I'll look forward to hearing from you. ~ Leo
Okay thanks for that. I'll have a word the girlfriend and see what I can do ☺️
you spelled you wrong ! lol 😂😁
hi and okay i will never hurt children trust me i am good with them btw my name is Shaylee😊
Hiya, Again. As you can see, I've been spending some time with Lukas. He's like a mini me. Can you let me know how I can adopt him? I'm really Interested, I've spoken to my girlfriend and we are ready to adopt, If that's possible? Thanks ~ Leo
Me and LucyyXx are looking to adopt Lukas please?
Okay so how will we get to spend time with him? And I'm glad you have let me and my girlfriend adopt small Lukas, He means the world to me
will u be able to make a post saying me and LucyXx have adopted him?
Okay thanks so much!
I am taking a little break from the game. So I won't be on for a couple of weeks. I just want to let you know. I'll be back soon though
thank you for letting me know. Lukas will still be here :£
Hello. It's breaking my heart to say this but me and Lucy, My girlfriend. We are going through a rough patch at the minute and I don't think it is fair for Lucas to go through the arguments and hear us screaming. He deserves a happy, safe home and at the minute we cannot provide that for him. I love Lucas to pieces and I'll always look after him and be there for when he needs me but I don't feel like me and my girlfriend are ready to take on a child of our own yet. Please understand. Thanks
I would still like to be able to talk to him and look after him because I love him to pieces but I'm not ready to be a father figure at the moment. Sorry for letting him down and I really hope me and Lukas can continue our relationship later on when I feel comfortable and a little more mature with my age