My Goals For 2016
I was tagged by Newt-The-Glue, I loved the idea and even if I haven't tagged you, if you want to do it, do it!!😄😄


My Goals For 2016 I was tagged by Newt-The-Glue, I loved the idea and even if I haven't tagged you, if you want to do it, do it!!😄😄

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yeah, it is. I love her!
I'm sure you'll get all of what you asked! 💖
PC needs to feature one of your collages like omg
no I haven't read any of them. but I really want to!
aww thanks 💖 can we be friends? 😊
I'm Shreya 💖
okay Ellie, I love your name 😊
I'm from the US but for the past 3 years I've lived in China 😂
if you leave me on the street I can kinda communicate and get myself home 😂 but no not very well, it's only survival Chinese 😂
where in England do you live? (if you can say)
well I've been to London but I haven't heard about the others 😂
do you have an accent?
oh 😂
I love Eric!