Bullies will destroy each an other that's why we gotta stand up to ourselves tell them there wrong make THEM !!!! the weeklings hide your secrets.  So what if they say "๐Ÿ˜Žyour wierd ๐Ÿ˜Ž" just say "says the one๐Ÿ˜†" laugh back in there face . I know I've been th


Bullies will destroy each an other that's why we gotta stand up to ourselves tell them there wrong make THEM !!!! the weeklings hide your secrets. So what if they say "๐Ÿ˜Žyour wierd ๐Ÿ˜Ž" just say "says the one๐Ÿ˜†" laugh back in there face . I know I've been th

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